Thursday, February 02, 2006

Something ominous this way comes

The uproar over these cartoons intensifies: maybe people around the world have suddenly come to the realization that those who would eradicate the West do not mean for people to have freedom of mind or speech. It is and always was strict obedience to the dictates of some theocrats -- their power. These people who are protesting in Gaza do not want choice, they do not want a general freedom to do and think as you please, they do not want to negotiate, they want you to shut up ... or else. And there will be a next step, and a next. Did people wake up a few days ago to the realization that they were kow-towing to a bunch of religious zealots in a far away land -- and worse, they were growing their own local branch of this intolerant movement?

Some of the editorials in the European papers -- Le Soir in particular -- are scathing about the infringement of the freedom of speech. Calling the attempts to bully the press as a form of modern day Inquisition. Heady stuff indeed. Will Saudi Arabia, Syria and others now pull their diplomatic staff from France and Germany? It is easy enough to bully little Denmark and burn some Danish flags, but to piss off your only real political allies hedging against the US? That remains to be seen. Or doesn't their "conviction" as to the blasphemy extend that far? And if it doesn't, then does that not expose their actions as hypocritical? And if the EU is real and a "union," does it not mean "one for all and all for one?" Sure, I know that each member reserves their right to sovereign diplomatic representation, but the press in virtually every member of the EU has published these cartoons. Ahhhh, a free press. But those in uproar wouldn't know about that, would they? After all to contradict is to blaspheme.

So now we have Chirac, not always the most trustworthy of fellows, coming to the aid of the sensible people everywhere: he has threatened Iran. What on Earth is happening? First we have Europeans everywhere all pissed off that the Arab Street is rising because of a few silly cartoons, and now Chirac puts international security ahead of French political gains?

Just a minute, French gains.... What or how could France gain by leading a charge against Iran? Chirac said something to the tune of rogue states fitting the French doctrine for a nuclear response. What does that mean, exactly? Is this just table setting for when Iran goes "rogue" by defying the IAEA and perhaps the UN Security Council? It appears to be. But there has to be some sort of direct financial gain for France here ... there always is. Mere political gain -- standing up to do the right thing -- has NEVER been a French consideration. So I am mystified.

However, let's look at how this may play out. Iran fumbles around for a month, the IAEA does the referral bit to the Security Council ... then what? Showdown at the OK nuclear facility? The only country that could conceivably go it alone is the US and only because it alone possesses the necessary weapons. France could, however, nuke them: and they will have to to get to the centrifuges beneath various mountains. No Osirak mistake here. Actually, anyone attempting to take out the program would have to resort to nukes. So, is this the first tentative steps to set out the need and authority?

So, what next? These are exciting times!! One thing for sure, if there is any action against Iran, oil prices will take a one-way ride to the stratosphere. Cut off Iranian supplies, we are looking at the $150 barrel of oil. That leads to recession in the West (all over the West) and the demise of GM among others and mass chaos. Shut down the Straits of Hormuz -- ALL BETS ARE OFF.

But how does the world not move against Iran? We must. They cannot be allowed to develop and deploy nuclear weapons. Safe behind a nuclear shield, who knows what mischief the theocrats in Tehran will get up to. Israel will not be safe -- ever. Moderate Sunni muslims beware too. Women all over the world who value their current freedoms, however extensive or moderate, should wise up to this too. The Ayatollahs do not plan for an Equal Rights Amendment. And abortion? No debate.

And to keep us in our place? A briefcase (or trunk) in some nice sleeper's house in every Americn city. We won't have the courage.


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