Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Merde, Alors!

Contrary to belief, it has one "l."

Say you were to establish a nice terrorist group, bomb a few buses, kill a whole bunch of innocents (and in your mind, even better, Jews) and then win an election to lead your people: the ultimate vindication of a terrorist organization ... legitimacy. And then as you were throwing your party, celebrating victory, refusing to stand down from your ideals, you found that nobody wanted to attend the party, except for some rich but obnoxious relatives, and toadying creeps from the down the road you always suspected were engaged in something like pedophilia, or selling drugs ... why then you'd find yourself in the same position as Hamas!!!

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States have agreed to pay the salaries of the Palestinian authority for a couple of months ... humanitarian, supposedly. There is a little glitch in the process though, no bank will agree to handle the account. "Officials of Hamas, which is listed by Washington and the EU as a terrorist organisation and whose charter calls for Israel's destruction, say the banking problem is part of an international campaign against the Islamist group," according to Reuters. Isn't that just precious? The Arab Bank in Amman, the PA's banker claims that it is "under pressure" to cease operations handling the PA's account. Which party could conceivable "pressure" the Arab Bank?

Could it instead be a recognition that Hamas represents a load of lunatic terrorists? Possibly? Supposedly the Arab Bank simply confiscated hundreds of millions in the PA account to pay back loans ... and the PA is upset about it. Think about this. Would you grab 10 cents on the dollar now if you felt that tomorrow it would be 2 cents on the dollar? You do have shareholders ... oh, now we are on to something. Could it be that certain wealthy Arabs have decided that this is a poor bet?

The PA has about 140,000 employees in an area the size of, well, maybe Rhode Island? Of the habitable parts, maybe less? Irrespective, that is a whole bunch of people taking government handouts. How about some industry? Oh, I forgot, the "People" in celebrating Hamas victory and the withdrawal from Gaza trashed all the Israeli greenhouses, buildings and industry. Ooops. It was a good bonfire though.


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