Friday, November 03, 2006

Time to pack up

I never thought that I'd actually come to this place: let's get the hell out of Dodge. Well not completely, but let's let the Iraqi people and their various financiers, supporters, inspirations, backers get on with it.

I propose that the best course of action is now to withdraw from all population centers in Iraq to "lagers" or bases in the desert. We would also cover the oil production facilities which we would run, paying all revenues (after costs) into a United Nations escrow account for the Iraqi people -- to pay for the reconstruction of the country. For you see, when we leave all hell will break out as each blood thirsty warring faction competes to kill as many of the enemy as possible. Mass murder. Civil war. Bloodshed in copious amounts. Even enough to cause the leftists and right wing isolationists in this country to reconsider their position that we should not be there.

The various interested parties have built up enough steam that nothing can contain it -- we need to let off the steam and there is no reason that AMERICANS should die in the process. Let's make our camps VERY heavily fortified and simply kill anyone that tries to come close (30 mile exclusion zone): for you can bet your last dollar that the various militia leaders will try and cause a refugee problem of biblical proportions -- and point them towards us (that's why the desert is a good place to go). Every Sadr/Shiite thug will want to cause the Sunnis to flee, and vice-versa. The Sunni insurgency will fight to obliterate the Iranian dominated Shia militias. These people have been dying to get this fight started for decades and have at least that many years of "debts" owing. In fact the debts go back to beyond the advent of the Prophet: these are warring tribes that have always wanted to kill each other. FINE. GET IT ON.

And when everyone is exhausted -- spent, dead, without energy or weapons, we can try again. In the meanwhile, let Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria pick up the refugee crisis. Let them clean up the mess that THEY created. If we are lucky, Iran will feel emboldened to make a military foray into Iraq to seize the oil and we can exterminate them in the type of military action that we are actually able to succeed in: all out war. In that type of engagement, Iran would be at best target practice ... it would also re-establish our "cred" in the region. Every Islamo-thug thinks we are easy meat because we play by the rules, but they also seem to have forgotten what we can do when we are allowed to. Shock and awe indeed.

There is absolutely NO point to the reconstruction of Iraq until all the trouble makers are dead - not pacified, but dead as in pushing up the gravel. At the moment, we build and they destroy. It costs us -- you and me -- far too much money. No mas. Let's make them pay for their own reconstruction with their own oil money -- after they get finished breaking all their toys and shattering their existence into something meaner than chaos. We will try hard to protect the oil BEING VERY CAREFUL UNDER INTERNATIONAL SUPERVISION NOT TO TAKE ANY, BECAUSE IT IS NOT ABOUT THE OIL.

But a word to the Iraqis: as we are protecting ourselves physically and your future in the oil revenues, don't mess with us. Don't hide in mosques, because we will flatten them. Don't hide behind your women and children, otherwise YOU are the direct cause of their demise. If we manage to continue to produce and sell oil, we will buy food for you and dump it directly by airlift into your cities to prevent it being commandeered by your "authorities" du jour. We will do what we can to help you to live through it. If you prevent us from doing that, you starve.

There is nothing that we, as Americans and occupiers, can point to that would tend to show us that Iraq is trying to help itself. The Iraqi government just took down the checkpoints, barriers and containment devices designed to keep the bad people away from the not-so-bad people. And everyone was cheering because it was deemed to be a blow for autonomy and against the Americans. Idiots. If we withdraw to our fortified lagers I don't think we will have to worry about all parties ganging up on us and attacking us, they are going to be too busy fighting like rabid slum gangs claiming turf to focus on us at all.

In the end analysis, there are far too many people bent on murder for us to stand in the way of them and too few people trying to create a better society to try and help them. Sorry. We did try.

In writing this, I am inescapably reminded of the biblical concept of Armageddon. I could easily see where this action might create the perfect storm of intra-Islamic stuggle, creating a new whole which then turns outwards in true global jihad.

Also, please note that the Israelis today shot and killed women in Gaza who turned out to form a human shield around a mosque in which gunmen had taken refuge. Apparently the idea was to smuggle the gunmen out in women's clothes surrounded by a large crowd of women. Enough of this hide behind the "innocent" shit. If Hamas forced the women out there, then they are the proximate cause of their deaths. If the women went out there on their own, they are co-conspirators -- part of the greater whole of violence -- and liable for the same crimes of violence as those they are "protecting." I regret that women, who by and large appear to be smarter in terms of avoiding violence, should ever participate in the greater Hamas plans for murder. But if they take part in it, then they should pay the price.

I feel absolutely certain that we have not seen the last of the Hezboloonies vs. Israel show: my guess is that we will see round two before next spring. Expect Israel to turn up with some new party tricks designed to turn the underground bunkers into rubble: "earthquake bombs" developed by Barnes Wallis in WW2 would work just fine.


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