Monday, January 28, 2008

She's a woman ... so what?

Time and again, I hear (or see or read) that someone is voting for Hil-liar because she is a woman. So what? In which way does that matter at all in terms of electing the most qualified candidate to become the President of the United States? Seriously, if you buy that argument, then because we have not elected any eskimos recently to anything we ought to consider Nanuuk of the North.

No sane and rational person elects a President because of a quality that is a non-quality, but more of a statement of fact ... Hil-liar as two "x" chromosomes. Barack is black. Should we vote for him solely because of his pigmentation? Or is it that women "want to get their own back" on the rest of society -- men and their lackey women -- for all the grief women have gone through over the ages? Is that a REASON to elect a President? What? We deserve a turn?

The President is the most powerful person on Earth. Full stop. And the reasons outlined above are simply not enough to elect a dogcatcher. The person must be singularly qualified and most importantly -- of character. Good character. We have seen mean-spirited for the last 8 years. For the 8 before that, we saw a man who could not keep his pecker in his pants: a liar. And his wife who supported and aided the lies. That wife now wants to be President and her husband -- who should have been removed from office as well as simply impeached (he was) -- wants desperately to get back to being "someone."

Duh? Are we stupid? Hil-liar is simply in appropriate. Not necessarily unqualified, just completely wrong. There will be -- in time -- a woman candidate that is both right and qualified. Just not now. America is ready for a woman President, now even, but not Hil-liar. Not to mention her jack-ass husband.


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