Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Watching the debate

I am writing as I listen.... It probably helps to drink red wine, too.

McCain is trying to get Obama to put his dukes up ... get him to face and address the failings of his political ideas ... and Obama is resolutely keeping to the script: if there is a draw, Obama wins.

Looking at CNN -- which has this gimmick emo-meter line that scrolls at the bottom of the screen, it is amazing how different women respond than men do to the same line of crap (no matter who says it). Also amazing is how much more women respond to Obama than men: disturbingly, he emotes ... about hope and now more 4 years of Bush and the women go through the roof in approval. At the same time, the men are below the 50% line ... is that an accurate reflection of our society? Women repsond to their emotions and men to facts? And given the fact that more women vote than men ... we get a President that ignores facts? Believes in fairy tales of socialist economics? Talk about 8 years of Bush and then 4 more years of fantasy ... the reality is that fantasy would come from the Dems.

Of course, given the incompetency of the McCain campaign, 4 years of that is no bargain, either.

Obama is less than forthcoming about ACORN. I have blogged about these bandits before -- friends of Pelosi -- and given the facts coming to light about outright registration fraud, Obama should be distancing himself from these far-left sphincters pronto ... but he is not. Why? Worse, they are Democratic footsoldiers -- and theoretical 501(c)(4) registrants (which means politicially neutral by federal law) and they shamlessly promote Obama: where is law enforcement? Where is the outrage in the press? The press and Democrats went ballistic claiming stolen votes in Ohio and before that, Flordia. Nothing was ever proved there, except that the majority was shown to be far larger for the GOP by a bipartisan investigation. For these same people to ignore PROVEN voter fraud just because it is for the left is a departure from all norms. It is a travesty.

Obama struck a huge blow listing his future advisors and possible White House cabinet members ... a healthy dose of quality. McCain? Sounded like he was going to have Fred and Barney as White House Counsel and Chief Staff.

Obamas health care plans are complete voodoo. It is "paying a little upfront" so that overall health care costs will go down," findng cures (citing diabetes) so that we all pay less. Uh, huh. And if you cannot afford your insurance, you can pay into the Federal program ... THAT is the camel's nose under the tent, the opening to a huge federal health program in the classic socialist shape. This, of course, leads to NATIONAL HEALTH. Which, in turn, means that if you are sick you have the choice of federal care or private care ... and if you can afford it and you are sick, you go private to save your life: just as in the UK and Canada. So the middle class are in effect taxed to support a huge plan for the poor and have to pay on top of it all for their own private care; remember, Obama plans to remove the FICA cap ... you pay on every dollar made.

Supreme Court ... McCain came off well , but Obama held as a prerequisite "fairness and justice to the American people." That is scary to me: I want the Supremes to rule on the Constitution, not create an endrun by judicial legislation. Obama wants to be able to give "guidance to the Courts." Obama: wrong. That is the role of the Legislature -- by definition in the Constitution, and as a "lawyer" (and supposedly a very bright one, too) you OUGHT to know that and be on board with that. Otherwise, we face a nightmare of conflicting court rulings and violations of the laws supported by politicians.

Obama is clear about parental responsibility ... "turn off the TV and Video games...." If you promise to legislate that, I will vote for you.


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