The conspiracy continues
It is abundantly clear to anyone paying attention that the Earth is, in fact, cooling at the moment. It has been cooling since about 1998-2000, as has been widely reported in circles frequented by climatologist who happen to be scientists and not social activists.
But, so we have been told by the liberal press, these scientists are wrong! The science is "Settled" (to quote our moronic President) -- this cooling period, if it exists, must be only temporary. If you had listened to Al Gore and James Hansen (who works for NASA and has no formal training as a climatologist), you would have expected to see the Netherlands underwater by now. All the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere should have melted, and we should be experiencing massive hurricanes and terrible droughts. "Unfortunately", none of this has come to pass.
In fact, it is not clear whether carbon dioxide cools or warms the climate, if anything. It is even murkier as to whether mankind has influenced the climate in any fashion measurable to our science.
All of this has been made clear in the recent hacking of the computers of prominent "Global Warming" scaremongers. The evidence is there in "black and white" -- they have been caught red-handed in the lies that we have been fed over the past 15 years, all in the effort to effect SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
And do you think that the New York Times, self appointed journal of "all the news that is fit to print" covers this? It should be FRONT PAGE NEWS because if, as it is now apparent, the whole climate thing is a political effort to effect social change, we need to STOP IT NOW. NOT GLOBAL WARMING, but the scare that it exists at all. IT will cost us untold billions, if not trillions and indebt (along with the bastard/miscarriage that is ObamaCare) our children longer than their lives may last. It will ruin our country.
Perhaps that is the goal: ruin the country, give every illegal the right to vote -- to keep those who ruined it in power -- and create another failed socialist hell-hole. Because our leaders hate America and everything that is actually correct and good in it.
In Europe, where climate skeptics are far more prevalent -- notwithstanding their increased socialist bent -- this is front page news. It shows a MASSIVE conspiracy to defraud us, to lie to us and receive funding to continue their march to hippie/socialism. But people in the "Land of the Free" are terrified to voice their views, lest they be branded "doubters". Are we totally nuts?
We KNOW ObamaCare cannot work: the money is not there, and to fund the ongoing fiasco of fraud that is medicare and medicaid -- to increase the government circus by a factor of 10 is so crazy that is beyond comprehension. The Congressional Budget Office confirms this! And yet, next on the agenda is cap and trade -- carbon dealing, so Goldman Sachs can make a few more billion on my back -- and Goldman funds the Democrats, not the conservatives.
This suicidal (nation-cidal?) race can only be abetted by a complicit news media, and leaders who have planned this. Conspiracy? How about Goldman Sachs planned this whole shebang with the active participation of House Democrats since Bawny Fwank seized control of the financial reins of this country. Create a bubble, ruin the economy under a Republican, get swept into office, totally destroy the nation -- then set up a socialist paradise, just like their heros, Castro, Chavez, Lenin and Stalin. Finally everything will be "fair" for everyone ... except, of course, for those in the "Party."
Sound far fetched? Well, does it sound more far-fetched than a global warming conspiracy that has now been PROVEN to exist? Or the imposition of universal health care on a nation where 80% of the voters are happy with what we already have? The imposition of cap and trade that is absolutely guaranteed to cripple our global competitiveness?
Or for that matter the election of a President that had been a U.S. Senator for 143 days before running, who has perhaps the worst voting record in his State legislature, in which he did not serve out his term? A President who has never run anything requiring a balanced budget, a bottom line ... not even a lemonade stand? A President who has never released his academic transcripts, who has never released his birth certificate? Who may have applied to a U.S. university as a "foreign student" to get financial aid? A President who DID belong to a racist church -- preaching racial violence? 15 years ago, who would have believed you? Anyone?
But, so we have been told by the liberal press, these scientists are wrong! The science is "Settled" (to quote our moronic President) -- this cooling period, if it exists, must be only temporary. If you had listened to Al Gore and James Hansen (who works for NASA and has no formal training as a climatologist), you would have expected to see the Netherlands underwater by now. All the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere should have melted, and we should be experiencing massive hurricanes and terrible droughts. "Unfortunately", none of this has come to pass.
In fact, it is not clear whether carbon dioxide cools or warms the climate, if anything. It is even murkier as to whether mankind has influenced the climate in any fashion measurable to our science.
All of this has been made clear in the recent hacking of the computers of prominent "Global Warming" scaremongers. The evidence is there in "black and white" -- they have been caught red-handed in the lies that we have been fed over the past 15 years, all in the effort to effect SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
And do you think that the New York Times, self appointed journal of "all the news that is fit to print" covers this? It should be FRONT PAGE NEWS because if, as it is now apparent, the whole climate thing is a political effort to effect social change, we need to STOP IT NOW. NOT GLOBAL WARMING, but the scare that it exists at all. IT will cost us untold billions, if not trillions and indebt (along with the bastard/miscarriage that is ObamaCare) our children longer than their lives may last. It will ruin our country.
Perhaps that is the goal: ruin the country, give every illegal the right to vote -- to keep those who ruined it in power -- and create another failed socialist hell-hole. Because our leaders hate America and everything that is actually correct and good in it.
In Europe, where climate skeptics are far more prevalent -- notwithstanding their increased socialist bent -- this is front page news. It shows a MASSIVE conspiracy to defraud us, to lie to us and receive funding to continue their march to hippie/socialism. But people in the "Land of the Free" are terrified to voice their views, lest they be branded "doubters". Are we totally nuts?
We KNOW ObamaCare cannot work: the money is not there, and to fund the ongoing fiasco of fraud that is medicare and medicaid -- to increase the government circus by a factor of 10 is so crazy that is beyond comprehension. The Congressional Budget Office confirms this! And yet, next on the agenda is cap and trade -- carbon dealing, so Goldman Sachs can make a few more billion on my back -- and Goldman funds the Democrats, not the conservatives.
This suicidal (nation-cidal?) race can only be abetted by a complicit news media, and leaders who have planned this. Conspiracy? How about Goldman Sachs planned this whole shebang with the active participation of House Democrats since Bawny Fwank seized control of the financial reins of this country. Create a bubble, ruin the economy under a Republican, get swept into office, totally destroy the nation -- then set up a socialist paradise, just like their heros, Castro, Chavez, Lenin and Stalin. Finally everything will be "fair" for everyone ... except, of course, for those in the "Party."
Sound far fetched? Well, does it sound more far-fetched than a global warming conspiracy that has now been PROVEN to exist? Or the imposition of universal health care on a nation where 80% of the voters are happy with what we already have? The imposition of cap and trade that is absolutely guaranteed to cripple our global competitiveness?
Or for that matter the election of a President that had been a U.S. Senator for 143 days before running, who has perhaps the worst voting record in his State legislature, in which he did not serve out his term? A President who has never run anything requiring a balanced budget, a bottom line ... not even a lemonade stand? A President who has never released his academic transcripts, who has never released his birth certificate? Who may have applied to a U.S. university as a "foreign student" to get financial aid? A President who DID belong to a racist church -- preaching racial violence? 15 years ago, who would have believed you? Anyone?
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