Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

More commonly, we consider treason to be conspiring against the United States to hurt or destroy it for the advantage of other, foreign powers. Note how the Constitution refers to the United States as "them," meaning and referring to the plural of the States.

What form can this act take? Let's look at "aid and comfort." What might that consist of? Clearly Jane Fonda should have been arrested, tried (and if found guilty) shot upon arrival back in the U.S. for her stunts in the '60's. Various propaganda props met that fate for activities in WWII (perhaps the last war that we actually fought as such).  Today, would knowingly harboring a Taliban or Al Qaeda terrorist in your house qualify? I would think so, but my guess is that many Liberal Americans would argue that it was some form of duty they owed in the struggle against the military-industrial combine. Various of the U.S. national spies against the U.S. should qualify, but when was the last time we shot a spy? The Rosenbergs? 

So treason really has to be more spectacular to qualify in this day and age. So how about the destruction of the U.S. economy -- putting millions out of work, causing the forfeit of millions of homes, destitution and the ruin of families? Few might directly die of this sort of action, but on a sheer scale gig, that would work? Particularly, if it was done to assist enemies of the nation ... but would such acts not also qualify as "levying war" against the United States? Does war have to entail soldiers and occupation of territory? Clearly the definition of "war" does not require that .... War might consist of a strategy to beggar a country for political goals ... or personal goals. War implies a certain scale too, you can't have an island state in micronesia legitimately declare war on the United States and be taken seriously -- or even for that nation to commit a war-like act.

NOW, to the point:

The CBO predicts an increase in our public debt from $7.5 trillion at the end of 2009 to $20.3 trillion at the end of 2020 if Obama's fiscal 2011 budget is implemented. As a percentage of gross domestic product, the debt will rise to 90% from 53%.

This is treason. The economic destruction of the United States and the possible fracturing of the nation for political goals of the few must at least be considered levying war on the citizens of this nation. And if the nationality of the tort-feasor is in question, possibly the actions of someone adhering to our nation's enemies.

That our President would publicly give aid and comfort to our enemies -- no longer even shocks the national conscience. His continual ass-kissing of parties wholly hostile to our country is a matter of record. His failure to act to protect our national interests abroad tantamount to aid. His furthering of the goals of despots and dictators world-wide -- against our interests and the interests of democracy -- documented by the New York Times.

But it is in his actions domestically that we can truly see treason in its purest form: it is war against the American people. Nothing less.  His economic policies form the ammunition, and the legions of illegal aliens and their idiotic liberal supporters -- his troops.  When a President lets stand open rebellion against our flag by foreigners on our soil ... it is clear.

We can effect a cure to this treason in November without resort to arms: vote every one of these traitors out.


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