Friday, April 14, 2006

Iran, again

I wonder if there are any polly-annas out there that are suddenly shocked that Iran has now successfuly enriched some nuclear fuel. Russia and China certainly fit that description: either that, or they represent the very worst in human duplicity and greed. "Today, thank God, the Iranian nation is a powerful one and we are going to have a dialogue with the world from a position of power," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech in the northeast of the country. "Everything we have is from God, and a few weaklings cannot stand against the Iranian people." The weaklings being the U.S., France, U.K., Russia and China ... the UN Security Council. The "position of power" is ... a nuclear armed Iran willing to use the damn things. Top cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said in a prayer sermon Friday that the United States was a "decaying power," and pointed out that Iran was "not Iraq or Afghanistan."

Worse, the Iranians again called for Israel's demise, in no uncertain terms. Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad on Friday described Israel as “a dry and rotten tree that can be destroyed by a storm.” That one storm ... does not take a great deal of imagination. The Israelis, of course, have no option. The question rapidly becomes this: do the Israelis nuke them before or after? I have to think that the frikkin Iranians will actually use the weapons -- there rhetoric over the last two years is unminstakeable. ``Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation,'' Ahmadinejad told a conference for supporting the Palestinians that opened in Tehran on Friday.

The Iranian dream: take the Israelis out, free the Palestinian people, and lead the Islamic World into a new tomorrow, dominated by the Shia theologians in Tehran. Who stands to lose, apart from Israel,... well I would think that would have to include the whole of the Sunni Arab world. In particular, the Saudi royal family, the Gulf Arab elite and anyone that does not feel like kowtowing to Tehran. Think about it: nukes in the hands of people that are not afraid to use them because they speak the greater truth of God. The U.S. in its current state would be paralysed ... imagine all the liberal weenies wringing their hands and telling us that we should peaceably co-exist with the Iranians -- and the Ayatollahs laughing their asses off at our weakness, then promptly doing whatever they want, explaining that anything that we should be freaked at is only a mistake -- and the Kerrys of this world believing them. Meanwhile, we lose ground to the Islamic hordes.

Russia and China are the greatest assholes here: they have large domestic muslims populations -- ripe for the formenting of unrest orchestrated by Tehran. And with a nuke empowered mentor, who is going to seriously threaten the Islamic revivals in the 'Stans and China? Once used, the genie is out of the bottle (where is has resided since 1945): decadent societies will not have the sheer guts to defend themselves, creating a situation where only a few bombs in the hands of the willing will control the essentially the whole world. Iran states: we have bombs, dirty ones, in NYC, Moscow, Beijing and Washington. Back off or else. Who will move against them? The only people that might is Tel Aviv / Jerusalem. They may be the only people with the guts to do what needs to be done. Otherwise, the new century is Islamic, Western Civilization (and Communism) having collapsed under its own weakness and lack of courage.

I just can't bear it. And Boosh has screwed up so far that there is no chance that he will ever be able to muster the support to accomplish this most necessary of tasks. THAT is the great legacy of Iraq.


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