Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Nancy Pelosi is turning out to have the political grace and dexterity of Gerald Ford descending a stairway ....

The new Democrat head of the Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes, apparently does not know that Al Qaeda is Sunni inspired and insisted that they were Shia. Similarly, he was unable to identify the allegiance of Hezbollah. Now, my Liberal friends, do you feel better about taking the reigns of power? Do you feel goooooddd about your brave, newly elected staff? It starts to look as if we replaced the merely indolent with the grossly ignorant -- as in cannot-find-one's-arse-in-daylight- with-both-hands ignorant. The reported asking the questions no doubt felt that he should have given the Honorable Reyes some time to come up with prepared answers....

Most pointedly, the Democrats have yet to come up with a single solution to Iraq. Do you remember how they loudly proclaimed that a vote for them was a vote for new ideas? Well, where are the ideas? We are all waiting.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has some ideas .... He apparently carved Dick Cheney a new asshole when they met last month (that would be a third, since he shits out of one, talks out of the other ... and). You see King Abbie is worried that the Shia in his country (who live on top of the oil) may get ideas. He is also worried that if the US pulls out, they will have to step in, not that they do not already provide the Sunnis with much of their funding and support ... which in turn kills American soldiers. Syria is happy to allow Iran to support the Hezballoonies in Lebanon as it furthers goals against Israel, but Syria is not so happy about the prospect of actually having Iran as a border neighbor -- which a Shia victory in the Iraqi civil war would essentially cause. Jordan is Sunni -- and does not want a bunch of crazies on its border, so they too, would have to step in for the Sunnis.

Curious, though, that the Saudis would be upset that we may actually be ready to pick up our marbles and leave when they have done so much to cause that result in the first place. Or could they too have mistaken the lengths to which Iran might go to further its aims? The nuclear agenda was back burner when we stormed through Iraq, so was A-jad's rhetoric with respect to eliminating Israel. But now, it seems that the Iraqi oil fields are just within the Ayatollah's grasp and that must be unsettling. Remember also that Iran has just tested new and improved anti-shipping missiles, just in time for Christmas and shutting the straights of Hormuz. And above all, they do not want the US to enter into talks with the Iranians ... that would be about a price for the Saudis, in their eyes.

Iran, for its part, is silent about Iraq and "concentrating" on the holocaust. Friends, the point of this is to establish another justification for the eradication of Israel. If the holocaust is a myth or close to it, the moral basis for the creation of the state of Israel in Muslim land is also baseless -- giving rise to the moral authority (at least in their twisted thought) to clean up. And consider who showed up from the US of A ... David Duke!! Was he wearing a hood? Or is the Ayatollah's turban just as good as one?

But A-jad uses the conference to sum up Iran's viwe of the matter: "just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out." Now what does he mean by "soon?" Does he KNOW something that we don't? The reason the holocaust denial conference was held there, was that "Iran is your home and is the home of all freedom seekers of the world," Ahmadinejad said. "Here you can express your views and exchange opinions in a friendly, brotherly and free atmosphere." And if that view happened to be that Iran was full homicidal maniacs, I wonder how brotherly the atmosphere might be.... Freedom of speech and Iran are not exactly thought of in the same sentence. Or paragraph, except to note that it does not exist but plenty of good old-fashioned torture for thought violations does.

But Pelosi and the Democrats are sure to show us the way here. Yep. Any day now.


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