Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Iran sez ...

Iran first gave the world coordinates for the kidnapping (although they call it arrest) that closely agreed with those of the British ... about 1.7 nautical miles inside Iraqi territorial waters. Subsequently, Iran announced different coordinates (without giving a reason for the change or even acknowledging one at all) that places the site "0.5km" inside Iranian territorial waters. That is 500 meters, about the length of a par 5 golf hole. Useful distance inside of Iranian waters for spying, that.

So I figured I would post a few pictures ... see what your gut is on this.

Captured British soldier Faye Turney and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The sailor could be released today

Clearly, the person on the right is a spy. A vicious provocateur. The person on the left is a poor aggrieved leader of an oil producing nation.

MoD map show the Navy boats were positioned well within Iraqi waters This map was provided by the Ministry of Defense. Let's see the Iranian map. Oh, wait. They have not provided one. I do note that the small boats were operating more than 5nm from their mother ship. In future, I'd suggest that they operate under the gunfire umbrella of a vessel that could blow kidnappers to kingdom come.

UNDER CAPTIVITY: Iran refused to say where 15 British sailors and marines were being held. Imperialist western sailors in captivity. I'd think that they'd prefer Gitmo. The BBC has reported that sources inside the hardline faction of the Iranian government believe (as does Ahmadinejad) that the captives can be used as "pawns" in the nuclear game or to trade with the US to get their Al Quds agents back. I'd like to point out that the Al-Quds agents were captured hundreds of miles inside Iraq, while trying to flush papers down the toilet, while by contrast, the UK sailors were kidnapped inside of Iraqi waters. Sorry, Rosie.

In case we forget the ideology of the Iranian President.... He was an activist back then too, and is still closely allied with the Al-Quds branch of the Revolutionary Guards (he was in the Special Forces of the Revolutionary Guards during the Iraqi war of 1980-1988, a senior officer in the Al Quds -- which means Jerusalem!! -- organization, a senior officer in the Special Brigade of the Revolutionary Guards, which organized foreign assassinations and other extra-territorial activities such as funding and training Hezbollah, etc., etc.). Name a hardline policy and A-jad is either behind it or agrees with it.

A-jad fell out of grace during the late 1990's as Iran edged towards reform. But as the hardline faction re-asserted themselves , A-jad was appointed mayor of Tehran. There, "he reversed many of the policies of previous moderate and reformist mayors, placing serious religious emphasis on the activites of the cultural centers by turning them into prayer halls during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. He closed fast-food restaurants and required male city employees to have beards and wear long sleeves. He instituted the separation of elevators of men and women in the municiple offices. He also suggested the burial of the bodies of martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war in major city squares of Tehran." (

There seems to be little doubt that the election that brought A-jad to power was rigged, with the support of the IRGC, and its paramilitary force, the Basiijis who "got out the vote." Or more like vote for A-jad or else...." A-jad is not at all interested in a democracy, or even a democratic face to a theocracy. He states that Iran "did not have a revolution in order to have democracy, but to have an Islamic government." A form of Islamic socialism ... but make no mistake, my wannabe socialist friends, the first part is the important one: Islamic. That is, their form of Islam. Women need not apply. Remember that.


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