Thursday, May 10, 2007

Its the people, stupid.

Paraphrasing the famous "it's the economy..." line, we can safely say: "it's the people, stupid." That is, the six morons caught in New Jersey have a few things in common: (1) they are Muslim; (2) they were home grown wannabe jihadists; (3) they had a much better life here than where they came from; and (4) they chose to bite the hand that feeds it. Three of them has something far more sinister in common: they were illegal immigrants.

Illegals DO pose a threat. Worse, in this case, four were here because the US had saved them from ritual slaughter through ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, one a refugee from Kosovo. So how do you reward the country that saved you? You watch jihadi videos on the internet and plan to kill American soldiers. Like they have ever done anything to you but help you.

It is no use trying to think up BS excuses and just call them New Jersey men (as NPR has tried to characterize them) ... they are first and foremost Muslim. All six of them. All six participated in creating jihadi propaganda (but for a video clerk at Kinkos, we might be watching footage of their plans going into action). All six intended to kill American soldiers. The elephant is in the room -- we have home grown Muslim terrorists too, and but for our stupidity in permitting illegals to thrive in our society, we may have had -- at least -- fewer of them.

If Ted Kennedy and his pals had manages to grant blanket asylum and open borders to illegals, more of these terrorists will be able set up shop here. I say, let's round them up.


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