Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Clintons -- the dark side of the moon

Apart from an excellent Pink Floyd album, the dark side of the moon is the part you never see (or hear?). And so too, the real Clinton machine has its dark side. But a media probe just circled that little-known region and in the process of beaming back its findings, the editor/mission controller of the probe hit the self-destruct button.

GQ magazine is/was due to have Bill Clinton on the cover of its December issue and inside it was to run an article that gave readers the "skinny" on infighting in the Clinton campaign (Hillary's) and the layout of who has Hillary's ear, who wants it and who is gunning for it. In short, the juicy inside material that is much rumored, but ruthlessly suppressed.

However, Hillary put the axe to it: you publish this, and you will never get access to Bill or me again. A rather graphic and demonstrative example of how the Clinton campaign is being run and how Hillary's "you are either for us or against us" policy works. Those people contributing to the Obama campaign have already been told not to expect any White House invites -- when -- she gets in. Jim Nelson, the editor of GQ, had no illusions about this: it is likely that Hillary will be the next President of the United States and so four years in exile, possibly more, is simply not acceptable. So he caved. Of course, he cited "inner workings" of the magazine and that GQ kills stories all the time, but I don't think that this fools anyone.

Hillary is relentlessly "on message." Anyone who has seen her outside the box, caught unaware by questions not scripted knows that she fares poorly and gets visibly angered. Precisely the sort of person that the campaign seeks to hide ... the hateful, mean-spirited Hillary. The tyrant. The Hillary that would be hard to elect. So there is a real and vast machine in place to ensure that this does not happen and when anyone gets in the way, like GQ, they get the threat which essentially means "I'll squash you like a bug." Not really like the intelligent, likeable, liberal democrat Hillary she is portrayed as, but more like the Cheney-doppelganger she really is (for those of you who do not know what a doppelganger is, google it).

People supporting Hillary loudly acclaim the notion that "Hillary can get things done." Yah, I guess that is true, but if we stop for just a second to see what and how, then the perceived benefit becomes less appealing. I will not rehash the obvious question marks (OK, just a quick one then: (a) Vince Foster; (b) Ron Brown; (c) commodity profits; (d) FBI files; (e) missing billing records; (f) Whitewater; (g) Travelgate; (h) Troopergate; (i) Bill's perjury -- Hillary sided with Bill; (j) Bill's infidelities -- Hillary denied them; (k) health care '94; (l) Iraq flip; (m) the Gregory loans and Presidential pardon; (n) the Rich pardon -- arranged by Hillary; (o) Hillary's vicious character attacks on the women Bill screwed -- Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broadderick -- all claims against Bill since proven true; (p) IRS audits for enemies; (q) demeaning of housewives; (r) the Bekins White House exit looting award; (s) the Great Right-Wing Conspiracy hoax; (t) Lincoln bedroom B&B; (u) classic New York carpetbag; (v) failure of New York Senator Clinton to attend 9/11 funeral for firefighters and policemen -- not one; (w) Hillarycare '08 -- who do you think is really going to pay; (x) Yale link to Black Panthers, Institute for Policy Studies, New World Foundation -- terrorist, extreme socialist and extreme socialist; (y) media control -- NYT is in the same boat as GQ; and (z) does she have any real ideas and plans about Iraq? Any, apart from denying funding to Americans in uniform? Want to see American foreign policy run by U.N. consensus? Want to see Bill using Air Force One as his schtupp-pad?

Where was I? Oh, yes. How many Democratic candidates are actually out there running for President? At least 8 that I can count. Yet can you name more than Obama, Clintstone and Edwards? Probably not, at least not quickly. This is because the Dark Side exerts its influence in a subtle manner: if all you read about is Hillary, then you will vote for her because you do not know any better. Just like advertising, you buy the brand that is foremost in your mind, ignoring whether it has high fructose corn syrup and MSG in it or not. You have to have a few other brands on the shelf too. So you place Obama on the bottom shelf (too inexperienced -- what Hillary has more?), and Edwards on the top shelf out of sight. So your hand reaches for brand Clintstone. The NY Times gets access for eternity and Hillary gets to back to 1700 Pennsylvania Ave.


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