Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It figures....

Did you ever wonder about:

* That kid in your third grade class that drooled?
* The klutz on your baseball team that could drop a ball being handed to him?
* The girl in sixth grade who developed a passion for makeup and wouldn't talk about anything else?
* The Goths in your high school?
* The jocks who seemed coordinated but with room temperature intelligence?
* The nerds with coke-bottle glasses and muscle tone of linguine?
* The stoner waste-oids with bloodshot eyes ... at 7:30am accounting?
* The queen bees all through school -- lots of gossip, not a lot of thought?
* The kids who can't keep still?
* The kids who change their minds every three seconds?
* The kids that would do whatever someone told them to do?
* The chronically gullible?
* The kids who never seemed to be present even when their bodies were?
* The boys and girls who lived in their own fantasy worlds?
* The kids who would rather lie than tell the truth?
* The teens who would rather steal or cheat than work for their needs?
* The aggressive kids who would fight/argue at the drop of a hat?

Well, consider that not all these kids/teens/college aged people grew out of those traits and habits. And also consider that:

* They can drive.

That sort of explains that, doesn't it? What the hell is "normal" when the road is filled with the products of those pasts? Or present habits?

* They can vote.

A vote for Huckabee seems logical -- when you believe in the tooth fairy, why not Huckabee? For that matter, if you always cheated, how or why should you feel that Hil-liar is undeserving of the Presidency? If you were not "present" for class (even though your sorry ass was physically there), how could you be expected to know who actually stands for what? If a bitter feminist in college -- maybe because you look like a goat and can't get a date -- why not vote for a woman, even though she is a congenital liar? If you change you mind every day and are as gullible as PT Barnum suspected, why not vote for someone who flips their positions to fit the polling stats?

You see, it all makes sense.


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