Monday, April 28, 2008

The Assassin

Jeremiah Wright ... assassin. Starting with PBS on Friday, followed by an appearance at an NAACP function over the weekend capped by a freak show at the National Press Club today ... Wright has taken the role of agent provocateur ... agent orange ... Agent Maxwell Smart. Dick Dastardly, Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Single-handedly, he is helping every white racist in the United States look good. It does not matter that a great deal of what he is protesting is true, it is the inflammatory way that he says it: he cannot resist embellishing an historically accurate statement with something that can only be held as racist. Two wrongs don't make a "Wright." He is every little bit as racist as David Duke -- because the past is precisely that ... the past. IS every German a Nazi? Is every Cambodian a Khymer Rouge? Are all Russians, KGB agents, Chinese Red Guards? Hell, most of the United States has as ancestors folks who were the scum of their countries of origin, indentured servants ... and emigrated to this country post 1865. Speaking of which, a date that marks the end of a war that had as a cause, among many others, the abolition of slavery and in which scores, nay legions, of white folk died to ensure that the vile abomination of that condition could no longer on American soil thrive.

But Wright poses a grave problem for Obama ... he is successfully alienating the fearful white vote. He is making the case for Hil-liar that she is more electable. He is ensuring that She will stab the black support in the back ... why? Is it to "prove" that all white people are dishonest and shifty, to back up his racist claims that the white man will, in the end, always take advantage of the poor black person? He is setting the stage for Hil-liar to take the superdelegates, run (thereby dispossessing or nullifying the black vote) and ultimately lose against McCooter in November. You can't claim that Gore's election was stolen and stand by and watch Hil-liar become the nominee!

And Wright retreats behind the usual crap uttered by the pseudo-religious -- "if God wants Obama to be President, then He will not let a bunch of White racists get in the way of his nomination." What about black racists ...? Perhaps he might let that happen? News flash for Wright: it's not God that is gettin' in the way of Barack's nomination ... its you.

So what should Obama do? If you cave, the Hil-liar media circus will jump up and down pointing that he doesn't really stand for anything (as though Hil-liar does). McCooter smiles and waves. If he gets angry, the fearful whites will tremble and point: "see, he's and angry black man!!" If he tries to intellectually shoot this down, he will: (a) probably lose most Americans in that they won't be able to follow the semantics -- not that it would be hard, just that it would get in the way of Wheel of Fortune; (b) alienate the rabid liberal vote; (c) provide Hil-liar ample fodder for misquoting and misdirecting -- that she will lie, cheat and steal is, by now, well established; and (d) confuse his core constituency.

Wright has pretty much screwed Obama -- ironic that the first shoo-in black President of the United States should be undone by a bombastic, moronic, self-promoting, racist, black windbag. And how much damage is this doing to the perception of bhite people willing to to jump the race divide, move to the future and elect the best candidate ... a black man. And Wright ... maybe he just wants to grab some of Sharpton's notoriety.

One last possibility ... has anyone checked to see if Wright might be accepting checks from some back conduit leading to ... the Great Unindicted, Hil-liar? I would not put this past either of them. Seriously.


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