Thursday, July 17, 2008

So much to blog about so little time

There is Jesse using the "N" word as part of his vernacular, Iran shooting off missiles, Israel swapping terrorists for stiffs, the Big Dig costing another 7 billion, Doofus (our gov) planning to raise taxes on the rich ... and just about everyone else. But... I like Barbie. She just about says it all.

And no, this is not a put-on. This is the new face of Barbie.

Sultry Barbie ... new collection
Just when you thought that you day could not get any worse, with plummeting stock and personal wealth, the folks from Mattel thought they'd pre-program your daughter to become a slut / street walker / democratic politician. Ah, hah. That's it. Nancy Pelosi.

You see, she has emphatically stated that there will be no vote to allow the oil companies to drill in "forbidden" areas, such as our coastal shelf. About the time that the Beatles imploded, there was a spill in the Santa Barbara channel off the Califorloonie coast. Since then technology has progress vastly (think horse and buggy to Bugatti). But we are not allowed to access our own oil. The Masshole congressional delegation -- our 10 idiots in Congress -- voted 10-0 to stand with Pelosi. They also want $9 BILLION from the government to pay for increased heating oil costs for Masshole residents this year -- so the poor grannies and welfare cretins don't freeze. But they won't let us drill.

You see, "it would take 10 years to get that oil on stream, and it won't help our problem now." And that is precisely what Liberal EWs (eco-weenies) said 10 years ago too. And if we don't do anything now, in 10 years from now as well.

The goal is to force a political change to wean us off energy ... or make the "rich" pay for it. Or even better get to government rationing of energy where the "people" elect politicians who will give them the oil. A tyranny of the indolent and ignorant with Peolsi at the helm. It may be time to think about moving to Australia.


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