Sunday, June 01, 2008

Just a quick thought...

There is a Vanity Fair article coming out about Bill that is going to be the talk of the country -- count on it. It catalogs and describes Bill's self-obsessed personality in detail, the stain he left on Hil-Liar's campaign, the friends he keeps (and mooches off), and does a general hatchet job.

So it occurs to me: surely the Clintonistas can see that in the same way that Jeremiah Wright tarnishes Obama, in a far more personal and serious way, Bill must tarnish Hil-liar. One was a pastor who is out of his mind, the other a husband that does not know how to tell the truth (or keep his pecker in his pants). But while Obama is clearly damaged by willing association with Wright, the same must be said ten-fold about Hil-liar and Bill.

Obvious, no?


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