Monday, November 03, 2008

I am so "down" right now about the obscene ability of the left/press to ignore the fact that Emperor Obama is buck naked ... that I feel like checking out tickets and immigration policies to and regarding Australia. What kind of America will our children inherit from our generation if we elect this bamboozler?

We know nothing about him in real terms. Nothing. Nothing about his educational transcripts (High School, Occidental, Columbia, Harvard) or his thesis papers (unavailable from the respective faculty and he certainly isn't offering them), nothing substantiated about his birth (let's see what the State of Hawaii has, not what someone photoshopped), nothing about his law practice clients (all we DO know in that regard is bad), no Law Review articles - he didn't write any, no scholarly articles published as a professor.... We know little in practice about his family, other than members of the family are widespread and possibly here in the US illegally. We don't know about his heath. We don't know about his Illinois State Senate records (unavailable). We don't know about his connection with Acorn or/and the Annenberg Foundation (the University won't release what records they have). What little voting record he has is ultra-liberal. We don't know if he continues to adhere to the tenets of Black Liberation Theology.

We DO know that he "wrote on" to the HLR, he didn't grade on. And as we know, Editor is a political position, not substantive -- he certainly didn't contribute his legal mind to the Review. We do know his associates over the past 20 years have been uniformly anti-American, and in a very real sense racist. We know he spent more than a little time doing drugs. We know that he has travelled extensively through Muslim lands, but almost not at all through Europe or South America. We do know that he chose his friends carefully throughout college and into the U.S. Senate -- none of which would be allowed in my house. We do know he bought a house well in excess of his ability to afford -- with a "loan" or assistance given by a person doing time for fraud. We do know his wife essentially hates what has heretofore been considered as American. We do know that Obama has lamented the failure of the Warren Court to violate the constitution. We do know that Obama favors judicial activism, even where it would violate the intent of the Constitution, the legislature, and the majority of voters. We do know that he intends to institute a socialist regime in the United States -- although he chooses not to call his proposed actions socialist. We do know Obama spent 20 years attending at Black Liberation church -- whose minister baptized his kids -- and where racial hatred was and is a recurring theme. We do know that his half brother lives in a hut. We do know that his Aunt is an illegal alien living in Boston receiving public assistance. We know that his mother was white as were/are his grandparents who raised him in Hawaii and paid for private school education.

This man will be elected President of the United States of America ... tomorrow.

How in hell did this come to pass?


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