Monday, December 15, 2008

Infrequent posting

Been in Florida ... packing a house that I have hopefully sold. Please.

Putin (shortly to become Tsar) is at it again, or at least his cronies are doing his work. The Duma is considering a bill to make it treason to threaten Russia's constitutional order ... which means that it becomes treason to protest or otherwise defy the Kremlin. Sounds like something Stalin would dream up, and with the oil industry not providing the level of spending the Russians would like, it may be a step to prevent a regime change ... you know, vote the bums out.

Which confirms that Russia can no longer be said to have any vestige of a democracy. And in this confirmation, the Russians, in their typically ham-fisted way, managed to confirm the worst suspicions of foreign investors about that country and have made it impossible to lend to or otherwise participate in the economic development of that land. Completing the circle, that failure to attract foreign companies to Russia will ensure tighter control by the government, more industrial espionage, more beligerence ... a return to Soviet times. Just like Putin hopes.

But the poor Russia people will suffer, as will the people of every country that Russia determines to meddle in. This time, however, the broad populace of Russia have had a taste of freedom and the material wealth enjoyed by even the poorest in the West. It might be too late to but the Genie back into the bottle. Andrei Lugovoy - the top suspect in the Polonium affair that "offed" the oligarch Litvinenko -- is now a member of the Duma. How'd he get that position, I wonder? Could it be that his masters were pleased with his results? Anyway, this thug proclaimed that "anyone harming Russia should be exterminated."

The bill also defines treason as actions giving or rendering financial, material or consultative assistance to foreign interests -- which can include businesses too. So only an idiot would have anything to do with a Russian in business -- if you go there, you are a commercial spy and your Russian contact a traitor. Unless, of course, you are paying off the current leaders in the currency of the day: but beware when someone falls from power, as treason is in the eye of the beholder.



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Monday, August 09, 2010 9:45:00 AM  

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