Thursday, April 02, 2009

Kim dum-sum Il.

North Korea is getting ready to launch a Taepodong 2 missile -- I don't really care if I have spelled this correctly.

It is a "communications" satellite ... you know, it really might have some sort of Sputnik device strapped to the nose. It is not, however, a peaceful and well-intentioned device. If you can launch a satellite into orbit, you can drop a nuke on Washington D.C. There are plenty of companies that will launch a satellite for you at a fraction of the cost of trying to do it yourself: there is no reason for North Korea to do so. They are not and never will be the lowest cost producer of communications satellites.

So the intent is to test a long-range missile with destructive intentions. It will be fired over Japan, which understandably feels less than comfortable about the matter, and probably pointed towards Hawaii or some other area controlled by the United States. And herein lies the point: this is another transparent attempt by North Korea to extract more concessions from the United States. Before some idiot starts pointing the finger at Bush for his appeasement having failed, the real villain here is none other than Bill Clinton, under whose regime NK was allowed to refine fissionable material and develop missile technology. Bill thought they could be trusted, interestingly, because they have never (as in not once) lived up to the terms of any agreement made with the non-communist (of origin) bloc. Never.

With Borat Obama in office, Kim dum-sum Il has decided it is a great time to show off his new toys. By-the-by, how the hell did he recover from whatever happened to him last year? Couldn't someone have shown the bottle to "off" him while recovering? Kim, ever the opportunist, looks to have timed this display with the G-20 meetings and Borat's absence from the United States. Already Borat's men have decided to avoid a confrontation in shooting Kim's toy from space: in so doing, they have confirm the worst we may have suspect about the courage of the O-bots in facing foreign aggression.

And also, in so doing, the Japanese have received marching orders: time to develop our own missile defense strategy and our own -- probably highly efficient -- nuclear deterent. They have to because there is no way that Borat Obama will come to their defense. They are on notice.

The Japanese have Aegis-class missile boats in the Sea of Japan, just in case Kim's Dong 2 goes off course and heads for, say, Tokyo. But this is still relatively unproved technology and will Kim just off of the coast, they will need to improve their defenses. More importantly, Kim's shorter ranged "Dongs" may now be equipped with nukes. And they are accurate and relilable. The Dong 2 launch is all about intimidating the U.S., Japan has been at risk from the Scud-derived missiles for quite a while. What hs changed is that the White House now has a "kumbahyah" weenie in the Oval Office (if not there, at least filling his staff positions). Hell, I'd rather see Hillary or Michelle making the war decisions.

So watch this page: I promise to update again more frequently.

Also: what the hell are we doing giving the Queen an iPod? Filled with Obama's speeches, no less.


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