Friday, September 11, 2009

It just gets better and better

Just read something about Bush's Faith-Based Initiative ... which was totally destroyed by the Liberal media for stepping on the boundaries of church and state, etc.... And now Obama moves forward with it and it is EXACTLY like Bush's. Except the churches receiving funding are of HIS choosing. That is, Obama gets to siphon off money to quasi-political religious fronts to further his agenda.

Forgotten what this was about? Bush got smeared all over the front pages of every mass media news outlet for funding social initiatives through churches and other religious organizations. The Liberals went crazy: this is setting up a religious-political party, a violation of Constitutional separation of state and religion, a naked grab for votes for Christian-based candidates ... it went on and on. Front page news, Sunday talk shows ... and yet now Obama gets to drive the bus, it is just peachy. And news? Try looking for it. If you find it all at, it will be buried in the third page of the "National" section.

Why does this bother me? Because you need to look at the organizations Obama has been associated with -- remember Rev. J. Wright? Or for that matter, look at Van Jones? Obama is a black nationalist, an adherent of Black Liberation Theology. Obama is the face of Acorn and its style of community activism, which has just been re-exposed in the media (albeit Fox and Glenn Beck) as promoting tax evasion and prostitution. Really!

All of which leads to the question: "exactly what sort of "social services" are we talking about?" What is the Obama administration going to fund and why aren't true constitutionalists freaking out about this?


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