Monday, May 18, 2009

Pelosi -- Liar, liar ... and Barry's Abortions-R-Us

Nancy the Vampire, the suck-your-wallet-dry brought to you by the loonies of the Bay Area, has been caught with her figurative "pants" down. When she flat out accused the CIA of lying as to the disclosures made to Congress in 2002 ... the CIA told her to put up or shut up: we told you everything, so show us where we didn't.

Not surprisingly, Pelosi has not. She just postures and struts and claims she was misled, but it becomes clearer by the day that she expected to be able to "play both sides of the street" in the same way Liberals have over the last 20 years. In the same way Liberals helped to create the housing mess by forcing banks to lend to those who couldn't possibly pay the loans, or even the interest on them -- but now point to some evil cabal of Republicans (Goldman Sachs seethes through the new regime .. they're Democrats).

Pelosi was expecting that the news media would sweep the CIA defense under the rug while highlighting their perfidy. With some justification, given the lopsided attention they have received since Bill Clinton took office in '92: Bill decimated our intelligence capabilities and we received 9/11. Somehow the guilt of the Clinton administration in that event seems to have passed everyone by. Looks like she guessed wrong. Much to my shock. BUT....

So now we are treated to the delightful spectacle of Pelosi fielding calls for her resignation as Speaker of the House. BTW, how much have you heard about Pelosi's chosen "ride?" A military 757 costing over $50,000 per journey between California and Washington ... talk about carbon footprint. But Nancy-girl, you see, poster-child for LiberalNation, wants more than Newt had as speaker of the House. She needs something that can fly coast-to-coast non-stop. And carry 50 of her closest aparatchiks. Since she only works 3 or 4 days a week in D.C., that means she can go home in style. Ever noticed that the more Liberal the weenie, the greater the Marie-Antoinette effect? Bono, great spokesperson for Liberal causes globally flies his private jet from rally to Dalai to South Africa. George Clooney? Flies Mom from place to place on his G-5. Personally, if you want to waste the money, feel free to fly whatever you want -- even the Starship Enterprise to beam you from place to place. Just pay the fuel taxes, I couldn't give a rat's ass.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Barry the Abortionist (as some at Notre Dame would have it). Now, I am a serious Libertarian in many ways. If you can justify the killing of an unborn child with your God, under your ethical system, then feel free, provided that it is legal within the structure of our secular society. From my point of view, in the abstract, if the baby is viable and you abort it, you should be tried for murder: let's call it 25 weeks for convenience sake. If you don't want the baby/embryo before that, then get on with it and abort it. Just don't whine to me about it, or ask me to pay for it, in any way.

BUT, to get to the point, Barry the President is cool with "partial birth" abortions, very late term abortions -- and has voted consistently in that regard since entering politics in Illinois. Yet, the self-same righteous hypocrite is against waterboarding as a violation of the rights of a terrorist that would hack your head off with a dull spoon.

Hmmm ... lemme see ... innocent baby, probably conscious, certainly able to feel pain and about to die because of no fault of his or her own -- a President who sides with the withholding of medical assistance to babies aborted live (yes, THAT is a fact, and on the voting record of Senor Obama), AND terrorist MF'ers on the other who have killed large numbers, and would kill every one of us if they could. Difficult choice that ... yet Barry sides with the later. Am I missing something?

Why hash this up again? A few days ago, "Your" President Obama (not my President) gave the hoo-haa at Notre Dame, a Catholic university and received an honorary degree of law. Lots of irony there. "Law." Natural law? Law of humanity? Irony in honoring someone with a law degree who is hell-bent on flouting the Constitution? A Catholic institution honoring a person who embodies the violation of almost everything that the Holy See professes to hold sacred? What kind of Catholics would do this? The McDonald's kind? Has an abortionist form Martin Luther tacked up some new limericks on a cathedral that I missed? Why honor this man? Merely because he is the President of the United States -- a distinction owing more the lack of viable choice available to, and gullibility of, too many of its citizens, than anything else? Hope? For who? Change?

Barry, upon being heckled, essentially asked the crowd, "why can't we just get along" (a rephrase from the famous Rodney King query)? Well, from the conservative Catholic point of view, how in hell does Obama think that he can get along with the fundamental crisis of the faith posed by the veneration of a political machine that supports godless abortionists? Get along?

Get along with me? From my (relatively non-religious) point of view, when you enfranchise an absolute majority of indolent, feckless and ignorant in my country to support your systematic pillaging of our economy and future ... you want me to get along? Huh? Barry, you want me just to open up the pocketbook and hand out the contents to the first "undocumented alien" that crawls in from under the wire? And then hand this creature the right to vote? What ever happened to "citizenship" as it comprises service and commitment to society? Your gall in suggesting that any uneducated human detritus should be accorded the rights to dictate my future and that of my children reflects hubris beyond anything shown by Bush or even Bill. It is simply staggering. "Liberal" seems insufficient ... treason would be a word that is closer to the mark as to what is happening here.


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