Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is there a pulse on Penn Ave.?

Our Idiot-in-Chief really needs to figure a few things out: (1) Climate change -- or at least the anthropogenic element -- may be, or most likely is, a hoax, so he should stop making pledges like a 17% cut in emissions by 2020; (2) Americans are dying in Afghanistan ... so he should make some decisions in that regard and implement them now -- no public address Tuesday while you have a nice Turkey Day at Camp Obama-davey, and a Hollywood shindig for all your admiring leftie-morons from Beverly Hills.

Seriously, Americans are dying and Barry-O dances the night away with as vapid a crowd as may have been conceived/directed by Fellini. The Brits, for goodness sake, are begging us for direction and criticizing Obama. The BRITS!!! A country that has become a watchword for ineffectual and self-absorbed lefty-drivel.

Our other "allies" in the 'Stan have been alienated, sidelined and allowed to die through our fiddling while Rome is burning: Obama as Nero. But worst of all, that sphincter in the Oval Office barely acknowledges the AMERICAN sacrifice being made. During one 90 period since McChrystal begged for more troops -- or any other sort of leadership -- he went 70 days without talking to his commander-in-theater. What the hell kind of Commander-in-Chief is that? During that time young Americans died.

Bush quit golf in 2004, saying that he could not in good conscience play golf while he should be working for our people and troops. Obama in 9 months has played more than any other President in that period of time -- and he can't break 100.

He also need to read the papers and find out about "Global Warming." Stop promising what we cannot deliver .. but of course, since absent some type of repeat mass psychosis he won't be President, when all these "chickens come home to roost" the Democrats will blame the Republicans for all the poop in the Nation's underwear, notwithstanding the distinctly Liberal reek that is already permeating the air.

Speak of reek in the air, what the hell are they breathing in the West Wing, nitrous oxide? Is that why their policy agenda is so laughable? Or Obama's international mega-snub? No good dictator worth his secret police will so much as give a second thought as to Obama's threats of "sanctions." Who is going to enforce them ... us? Or the U.N.? Or our good friends the Russians and Chinese? Ooops, Putin is laughing so hard that he shit his pants again. Wen Jiabao went back to his counting house to try and figure out if he owns California yet....

Meanwhile Barry-O is doing the peace-out with Spielberg, Couric (the poisonous dwarf syndrome) and Katzenberg (plus the serious Democrat Bundlers). Bet that food tastes a whole lot better than the C-rats somewhere in Helmand Province.

Seriously, Rome is friggin burning and Obama is playing rock star. This HAS to stop.


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