Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chief Weasel

Unsurprisingly, Obama chose to attend a taping of "The View" with his friend Whoopie Goldberg rather than speak at the Boy Scout Jamboree. So instead of talking to 40,000 young, civic-minded Americans, he would rather go on a daytime women's pseudo-news talk show to try and salvage some of his rapidly sinking poll numbers by courting the nation's women.

Someone in the White House did the numbers and determined that on the balance, he'd get better effect for November by going on TV -- on a show whose audience by definition does not work. Screw the Scouts, who were depending on the President to talk to them ... even though Scouts from around the world are attending and this happens only every 4 years. They are not important to Obama. Mostly likely they will not grow up to vote for him or his type of policies, either. Scouts work, respect their elders, value honesty and decency and willing to pitch in -- values clearly missing from the Obama agenda. Obama and cronies would rather have someone else do that.

I am making a prediction here: Obama's snub of the Scouts will have a longer-lasting ill-effect than any brief visit to Whoopie and socialist friends: they are already in the tank for him. But by snubbing the Scout, Obama removes any trace of support of American tradition and values and outs him for what he is. Anti-American, anti-family, anti-values, anti-self-responsibility ... a Liberal who sees Scouts as some form of fascist youth organization.

America will remember this. I will remember this.


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