Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Huh? And these elections change things?

Our country had some elections yesterday. No surprises except, perhaps, in California. Ahnold got his privates whacked. Four ballot proposals defeated. All of which were desgined to slow spending, reign in the power of California's public service unions and give the governor's office greater power in forming the State budget. Critically, Arnold had decided to do exactly as he had told everyone he would when he was running for office: he went directly to the electorate.

Gov. Terminator had a problem in the California State Legislature: it was dominated (not merely controlled) by far left loonies (only remotely related to main stream Democrats, sort of similar to the relationship between baboons and homo sapiens). Now, a conservative governor simply cannot make headway against the nuts, fruits and flakes that make up the box of granola that is the State House in Sacramento. Even if what he says makes sense. The entrenched interests could care less if California goes belly up -- so long as they faithfully represent their perceived electoral mandate -- what they have unilaterally determined is the "right" thing to do. So, in frustration, our favorite Austrian immigrant decided to go directly to the people -- the very platform on which he was elected.

Sorry, Arnie, you counted on the people of the Great State of California standing up, listening to reason and flocking to the polls to do what it needed to get their State in order. Have you been smoking the weevil eed again? Since when do people give up entitlements? Since when can you get the collective fat asses of the public out of their seats and into the polls? You only got elected because your predecessor was so totally beyond the pale that those people that did turn up to vote couldn't follow decades of training by voting the party line. It was a fluke. This time the people who did turn up to vote SMASHED your proposals. That is because the politically motivated in California are the same trail mix that demonstrate, vote for Nancy Pelosi and Feinstein, and think that Hollywood stars are worth listening to by the sheer force of their celebrity. Fool. (Where have I heard someone say that word "fool" before?)

Actually the people of California are fools. Here they had a prime opportunity to take back their State, reinvigorate the electoral process, and bring fiscal sanity back to the forefront. But Warren Beatty and Annette Benning were following the Governator around loudly proclaiming that this was against the electoral process and short-circuiting democracy, yada, yada, yada. Huh? Having the electorate vote directly on matters that most concern them is anti-democratic? Ideally, it would have forced the state representatives to start to listen to their districts, to bring back representational democracy, not some theocracy of the Church of the Eternal Left. But since the indolent and stupid (useful idiots) have once again saved the day for the State House gravy-train sluts, we are back to basics again.

Don't stick any California debt into your portfolio for retirement or to pay for your kid's education. We look for a downgrade to "junk."

NPR was crowing about Arnold's defeats and the gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey this morning. "Democrats elected to the Governor's seats in Virginia and New Jersey yesterday and DNC Chairman Howard Dean states this as proof that the nation is unhappy where the Republican leadership is taking the country." Uh, sorry to urinate on that parade, but both those states already had Democrat governors before this election. I find it hard to see how this changed anything. A heavily favored incumbent wins.... You've got to be able to come up with some better spin than that!!! I don't doubt for an instant that the country is moving left away from Boosh, but you need to sculpt your spin with care.

Michael Bloomberg was re-elected as Mayor of New York. Strange, but the only thing that NPR had to say about that was that he spent $66 million in defeating his underfunded opponent Fernando Ferrer. Come on, people, Bloomberg CRUSHED Ferrer. 20 points in a overwhelmingly Democrat voting state. Before, you cite me as a dogmatic Republican (actually think of me more as a conservative anarchist), I want to note that this indicates to me that the electorate in New York are a tad more serious about their responsibilities as voters and actually think about what they are doing when they vote. The only brainfart in this regard is that they elected the Great Unindicted, the Carpetbagger of the Century, Hillary.

Hey, speaking of brainfarts, where are Charles and Camilla? Are they still here? Can we send them over to Warren and Annette? You guys could really stink up the place together.


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