Sunday, December 04, 2005

So why are we here?

Yes, I know, this is the big one and the answer is "42."

But looking at my daughter today, you ask the question. You cannot avoid it. What is it that makes up the human intelligence. A good friend told me yesterday that the person is really made up of memories: that fashions the great part of who we are. Cna't really argue with that much. But it still poses the questions of greater purpose. Procreation is a part - from that point of view the gay lifestyle cannot add up. But if we presume different wiring, then maybe.

But why? Why are we locked in age-old conflict and struggle? Why do ostensibly sane people want to commit mass murders? Why do people create spam that has no link, cannot result in commercial interaction, and yet is devious enough to elude the firewall? What's the point?

We have that white stuff on the ground here in Boston again. Another cycle of cold and frozen has arrived. My kitchen is still not done. I should really put winter tires on my car. I just re-discovered the pleasure of the 7Deadly Zins. My oldest wants a cell phone. Why?

If you know of any answers to these, e-mail, me.


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