Friday, January 13, 2006

Iran watch

"If the dossier is sent to the Security Council, the European countries will lose the means which are currently at their disposal, because... the government will be obliged, in conformity with the law adopted by parliament, to end all its voluntary measures of cooperation," Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian Foreign Minister, told the IRNA news agency today.

Uh, huh. "Obliged ... the law adopted by parliament." When you can stuff the ballot box at the election and in parliament, this sounds less like the rule of law and more like Hitler's "you forced me to invade you, naughty Poland." There is no present intent to obey -- they just want to be left alone to make a few bombs. What's wrong with that?

And the U.N. Security Council ... oh boy, I bet that make them poop their pants. I mean, that is really terrible, huh? Saddam was undone by those sanctions! Israel continues to follow the letter of the instructions given to it to the last iota. If there is any pants-pooping, it will be in mirth watching those decadent western fools playing at democracy and international law while at home at Natanz in Iran they place nice little hemispheres of blue-grey metal within plastique studded with timers bought from those self-same decadent infidels.

I wonder how the Saudi government feels about this? Not the religious or administrative functionaries, but the government ... the ruling family. They cannot be thrilled. The same must apply to the Various Emirs, Sheiks and potentates. You have spent a lot of money and worked hard to create a modern Islamic entrepot such as Dubai and voom! Along comes a firebrand from Tabriz to pull the rug out from underneath you. Not conducive to a nice seaside vacation across the gulf from a bunch of fanatics with nukes and a bad attitude.


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