Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ports and Lunacy

Even if you are following this tempest in a teacup, you may well be wondering what the heck is up. So lets look at what the mainstream media are trying to portray: in this time of our War on Terror (when it suits them, there is indeed a war going on) Boosh is compromizing national security by letting a company from the UAE run some of our ports in the US.

First off, the previous entity in place was a UK-based company. Second, just because an UAE company runs the ports (collects docking fees, trans-shipment fees, ensures berthing availability, etc.) does not mean that anyone has given responsibility for security to a possibly hostile foreign nation (the company in question is at least partially owned by the UAE government). All the measures set in place (if in fact they work at all) are still in place and will not be altered in one single meaningful way by the new contract holder. Net loss to security ... none.

But the Democrats and many Republicans are going ballistic. This is another Boosh example where he does one thing and says another. Bullshit. He was not even aware of it until the authorization was granted. And why should he be if there is no effect on US security? US companies run things all over the world, even where lots of locals might not like it (think air traffic control), but there is no knee-jerk outcry.

Get a grip people!!! The UAE is one of the only Arab countries in that neck of the woods that is relatively tolerant of the US, to poke them in the eye would be a propaganda bonanza to our real enemies in the Middle East!! But no, Frist(R), Clinton(D), Menendez(D) and dozen of whining Congress-weenies are trying to create the next great scandal ... why ... its an election year!!

If the UAE firm can do it best for the least amount of money, fine. Put in whatever safe guards you need to in order to make sure that security is maintained, but don't let us look like frikkin hypocrites. So much for free trade, transparency, etc. Christ, what politicians won't do to get some press.

Of course, the mainstream press do not report directly that the risk is next to zero, that would not make good news. Instead, it is about letting the politico-weenies grandstand and in the process ... making Boosh look bad. Any black eye for Boosh in an election year is good. Irrespective how it might undercut American security (abroad this will make it appear that we are everything that other hostile countries accuse us of being and so unify the appeal of being anti-American), the press cares only for their own agenda. Once again.


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