Thursday, April 20, 2006

Camp X-ray

Otherwise known as Gitmo, that pustibule on the sphincter of the Caribbean ... Cuba.

So the US has released a definitive list of the occupants of Camp X-Ray. There has been a huge amount of whining from various UK nationals held in Gitmo, how they were tortured, how prostitutes were brought into the camp (where did they get them ... Cuba? Or were they flown in on US military planes?). Well, they should just shut up. How did they get rounded up with the list of scumbags that are revealed to comprise the inmates of that resort?

To read that list is to be gob-smacked at the few source countries for the global jihad (and remember, these cats were rounded up in Afghanistan and maybe some in Iraq). If we postulate that 90% of gitmo is Afghan-sourced in terms of where they were caught, then why are at least 50% of the residents from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, another 25% from Algeria, Libya (few), Pakistan (more), Sudan, Syria, Egypt and the rest of the Middle East (very few Palestinians -- persumably fully occupied at home, no need to travel to stir up trouble)? Why did these guys have to travel to Kabul to join with the Taliban and oppress the locals ... create their own version of what we could only regard as hell? Where flying a kite could get one executed?

No this list clearly outlines the sources of the golbal jihad and the engine that drives the lunatics trying to create a civil war in Iraq. If we want to eliminate the threat of global terrorism,we need to put the lid on hateful teachings and money coming from Saudi Arabia, Yemen (they are funding the Sunnis globally) and Iran (they are funding the Shias in Iraq, and anyone making trouble globally). These are not home grown movements rising up to throw off the yoke of the unbelievers ... these are carefully orchestrated movements by theologian/politicians in those source countries.

This puts the US in a difficult position: we have to have the Saudi oil to run the SUVs for the soccer moms at home, but equally, we have to try and make believe (for global prestige) that we are not getting it up the whazoo by some guy wearing a robe and a fan belt on his head. But Ibn Saud just smiles -- while the Wahabbi clerics continue to spew forth their particular brand of anti-western hatred, convincing the useful idiots outside of the Saudi revenue stream (hence surplus to the needs of the Kingdom) that to find meaning in life they would be well considered if they would kill a few (fill in the blank ... Americans, Shias, Jews, etc.).

Yemen ... a god-forsaken place indeed. Feudal, funded by Saudi Arabia, extremely fundamental in the Wahabbi fashion, and still largely in the middle ages. For a small and relatively poor country, they have disproportionately the largest presence at Gitmo. Meaning, that they are the great Jihadists, exporters of extreme and violent Islam for consumption abroad. The Saudis encourage this: historically, Yemen has been a thorn in its side, raiding, murdering and pillaging in the Kingdom for hundreds of years. With the advent of Saudi oil money, they proved to be capable of being bought off (actually, there were before -- kidnapping and extortion being a pastime long practiced by the various bedouin tribes) -- and so with a bought peace, the Saudis needed to find a channel to get rid of these potential threats. Left to their own devices, the Yemeni warlords would no doubt have made attempts on Saudi Arabia. The British SAS spent more than a few years hunting these assholes down in the 1950s and 1960s on behalf of Oman.

But back to the present: the Saudis NEED to keep the Yemenis flowing abroad to keep the lid on them at home. It would destabilize the Kingdom to have them in large numbers spreading their more virulent brand of Islamic life at home ... precarious as it might be already. If the wild-eyed fundamentalist masses suddenly realize that they are being sold a bill of goods -- princes and businessmen swilling Scotch in Bahrain, entertaining hookers on their yachts, etc., that Wahabbi fervour might turn inwards. Voila, a Taliban nation on top of the world's largest oil reserves. Bend over Uncle Sam and take some more ... although, arguably, you might be happier terminating the existence of the wild-eyed masses and "owning the oil" more directly by encouraging civil war in the Kingdom. But that won't happen. The ruling elite will resort to mass murder before they let go of the strings.

It is striking to note that there were more than a few X-ray residents from China and the 'Stans.... Wake up, Russia and China: this means that you have a underground there too that might love to set up a Islamic republic on your territory -- guaranteed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and their nuclear arsenal. Remember too, that if they die in a nuclear holocaust of your creation (in presumable retaliation for an Iranian bombing), the Iranian will go to paradise, whereas you are in no doubt as to where you are going.


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