Saturday, May 20, 2006

Gitmo on the UN firing line again

As described in an earlier post, the UN team making the recommendations is SO far from a neutral unbiased team that it boggles the imagination. Yet, because the "UN" name is on the recommendation, it appears to carry weight with the Liberal US press.

People need to remember that the UN is populated with career US haters, apparatchiks of a far left ideology dedicated to the preservation of anti-democratic regimes. Sound too extreme? If so, clear the ear-wax out. Consider that Russia continues to retreat from democracy. China has no intention of letting it start. The entire Middle East is anti-democratic, with the exception of Israel which may have a little too much. Apart from South Africa (democratic -- or sort of) there is not a single functioning democracy on the continent of Africa. And each of those countries has a UN vote. Kofi Annan is from where, that hotbed of democratic thought, Ghana? South America ... has some psuedo-democracies (Chile and Argentina), interlaced with outright lunatics on the left (Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru), and some downright scary places (Brazil -- where felons in jail order hits on cops, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay) and places like Guyana, Surinam etc., just too ridiculous to consider as sovereign nations. And they all have votes in the UN. Southeast Asia ... sort of speaks for itself (Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, etc.)

The ruling groups in all of these countries have a vested interest in preventing the spread of democracy - or the ideals on which the US was founded and developed. Hamilton would be arrested in virtually all of these places on charges of sedition, treason, or heresy. Most of these countries have rulers who like being in charge and have no intention of letting go of the strings of power. And these vermin control the UN -- and have every intention of preventing the US from putting them in their sights next. Release a couple of hundred die-hard jihadists into the international population? A great idea to keep the Great Satan busy!!

Close Gitmo and put these suckers in a Supermax in Alaska. I bet they would pine for the good-old days at Gitmo.


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