Monday, January 08, 2007

Bznezz as usual

OK, Dooval, time to back your campaign pledges to change the way business is done at the State House, to change the culture of Beacon Hill: Tom Finneran, just pled out on felony obstruction of justice charges and perjury in Federal Court. The man is now a felon. The former speaker of the House is currently employed -- at $416,000 per year -- as the President of the Massachusetts Biotech Council, and represents Massachusetts in swinging big deals across the country the way of the Commonwealth. It is a State job.

All weekend senior politicians at the State House lauded Finneran and spoke of their man being the best man for the job. That man is a convicted liar. A man of incredible hubris, a man that thought he was above the law. What is wrong with this state that allows people to continue to vote these morons into office (of course, they always manage to re-elect Ted The Blowbag, so we shouldn't be surprised)?

But Dooval now has the chance to prove that is what he says he is -- condemn Finneran's representation of the Commonwealth and officially come out and denounce Finneran. Will he? I doubt it. If he does, it might give me some hope (although what Dooval will be able to do against the cabal of Democratic crooks in the State House, I do not know). The State House crooks? Well, they are probably thinking about the time when they retire and need to move onto a patronage job, so they don't want to be the first to point out someone else's skeletons.

Mumbles Menino has distinguished himself again in suggesting that it would be a good way to fight gun crime by ... revoking the licenses and registrations of criminals and their cars. What? Does he think that Joe Shotgun gives a crap about his license? That he cares if his car is legally registered -- assuming that it is his car in the first place? And if we consider the probable 30-40% of violent crime that is committed by illegals (far higher in Claifornia where it is above 70%), they would only have driver's licenses in the first place because Dooval wants them to have them.

And people of the Commonwealth wonder why the rest of the country has such scorn for them....


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