Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hummus and Fatah

Nothing more delicious than a civil war among terrorist organizations. Go to it lads!!

As readers of my rubbish will know, I have long been expecting Iran to step up its nuclear ambitions and to watch the Europeans come up with new excuses why they should shirk their global responsibilities -- and wait for Americans to clean up the mess. Iran is NOT (at least currently) a mess of US making. There has been 30 years of appeasement by Europe to the mullahs and where has this gotten us? A proto nuclear Iran.

If EVER there was a group that should not have access to WMD, it is the Iranian Mullahs. And Ahmadinejad.

Back to Europe: it was with great pleasure that I watched the defeat of Sego R ... I fully expect France to riot, march, burn and generally mess their beds over the coming couple of years -- but at least for now, there is a glimmer of hope.New French President Nicolas Sarkozy, right, accompanies back newly named French Prime Minister Francois Fillon after their meeting at the Elysee Palace, in Paris, Thursday, May 17, 2007.  (AP / Peter Dejong)
And Fillon -- anyone really know anything about him? Anyone? I'll tell you what though, these two guys look the real French deal. Would you like a calva with your coffee?

And Melinda Doolittle was booted from "Idol." Once again, my fellow Americans have shown a remarkable disregard for talent and have instead chosen the pretty and twee. Ugh.


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