Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why are there hails of bullets?

That is a question that "minority community activists" have been loudly screaming every time a young punk gets shot in a police standoff. We are told by the "activists" and press that it is because of police brutality and racial bias/prejudice. You may care to believe this and also that all cops are scum oppressors of minorities.

But don't.

The protocol for shooting is this: if the situation necessitates the use of the officer's firearm -- where deadly force is about to be used or has been used by the other parties (reasonably), the officer is to "tap twice" and "evaluate." That is, shoot to kill with two bullets and then see what is up. Typically, if there is more than one officer there, there is sympathy shooting -- the sound is enough to change whatever formulaic evaluation going on the officer's mind and induce him/her to squeeze off a couple. And if it is a stand-off, there may be a great many officers around so induced.

Now this has been the case for a long, long time. But about 15 years or so ago, some FBI agents were in a stand off with a motivated felon ... an agent did the tap twice routine, each of which were fatal shots by themselves. But a fatal shot does not mean the instant death of the target.
Instead, the agent evaluated the situation, during which time the target then shot to death two agents and wounded several more before his heart/brain decided to keel over and pass this mortal coil. The result being the needless deaths of persons protecting society from some of its worst enemies.

Today, the protocol may be tap twice, but law officers intent saving their own skins empty the clip. The real protocol is shoot until the suspect drops. If the suspect moves, shoot it again. So in this recent uproar in New York about a minority youth being hit 9 times by 20 bullets fired at him, my only question is "why was the marksmanship so bad?" And emphatically not, "why did those nasty police officers shoot at him 20 times.

And the reason why minority youths have a disproportionate amount of ammunition shot at them by members of the law enforcement community is this: the youths have the guns that make the situation a "shoot to kill" mandate for personal survival for the officers. Simple. You a bad gang-bangah with a piece, you could be on a slab in the morgue with government issued lead inside your cranium, pronto. Faking a gun with a hairbrush in your hoodie does not exempt you from this rule, it just makes you stupid as well as dead.



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