Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The day of the living dead ... is upon us

What does this mean for conservatives? Check these folks out.

The media has hoodwinked the American public again: McCain can beat Hillary. Two things relate to this, the first being the desire of the media to create the perception that McCain can win against Hil-liar. He can't and he won't. And second, it really does not matter who wins between the two: a liberal Democrat has won.

The media have every reason to have McCain ascend to the throne of the Rebooblican party -- it effectively kills off conservatism in the U.S. McAmnesty is a Democrat dream -- his positions are theirs, he supports legislation to prevent freedom of speech, he supports wholesale amnesty, he supports higher taxes, he supports a heavier hand of government in health care, he stands for a Democrat view of torture and handling of foreign combatants. He is pro-abortion, he is pro activist judges (even siding with Teddy Blowbag), he ASKED to run with Kerry, and Lieberman even had to have a news conference to state that he would not run with McTraitor.

Is he in fact the Manchurian Candidate?

But for Huckaboob, Romney would have taken Florida. Instead he plays the spoiler, taking conservative votes away from Romney, hoping no doubt that he might slip into the Vice-Presidential role, or perhaps a nice ambassadorship to Looney Land.

Sure this is politics, but it is getting dirty. And Juan McClinton had lied about Romney's stands, statements and voting history. Flat-out lied. Just like the Clintons do. And the Media does not call him on it. Just like the Clintons. You want a vast conspiracy theory? Here's one for you: do anything to shut out the real conservatives and the liberals win by default. It simply does not matter if Obama, Hil-liar or McCornhole get into office.

McTraitor is willing to play along because he wants it so bad -- he actually believes that the media might support him once he gets the Rebooblican nod. But you can bet that the moment he assembles ther requisite number of delegates, the press will swing around on him full force pointing out all the things that they are currently sweeping under the rug. You can set your clock by it.

This is a terrible day in politics.


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