Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Stick a Fork in Her.

She is done. Piping hot out of the oven. Over. Cooked. Baked. Crispy. Fried. Toast. The little popper thingy has popped out of her swollen carcass.

You see, with 85% of precincts reporting, Obama has smoked her in North Carolina by a solid 16% of the votes. And Hil-liar has only managed to clear a 4 point swing in Indiana -- where she was counting on a landslide. Even though Rush Limbaugh's operation Chaos instructed Rebooblicans to cross over and vote for Hil-liar, just to mess things up. Turns out, the cross-overs voted for Obama in the same percentage as registered Democrats. Only the independents went solidly for Obama.

So what does this mean? It means that she CANNOT get enough pledged delegates to win. It means her hopes on a tidal wave of momentum pointing to her candidacy isn't there: the superdelegates will have to come out for Obama. Count on it. Starting tomorrow. She might drag this on, hoping to so damage Obugger that he cannot win in November, thereby clearing the path for her in 2012. But, that may backfire too.

Just put an apple in her mouth, a cherry on top.


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