Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mr Presi-DONT.

Mr. President ... uh, oh, wait you are not President yet. Mr Obama ... please don't go giving future U.S. policy briefings to our enemies?

The U.S. media have already crowned Obama as the next President of the United States: his every move and speech is covered as though this is his triumphant post-election tour of friends and foes. But with one detail missing: he has not been elected yet and he is not even the actual Democratic nominee yet. So why is everyone hanging on his every word as the second coming of Jesus?

Europeans want to see him elected by anything from 5 to 1 to 2 to 1, depending on the country. And Euro-media is even more Oba-mad than the U.S. lap-dog Democratic sphincter-lickers. And so all anyone gets to hear is Oba-madness ... and believe his twaddle. 16 months and we are "out" of Iraq. But wait ... nobody bothered to parse the rest of the statement: "except for those troops we may need to keep there for security purposes as the situation dictates." And how does that really differ from McCooter's policies? Or even more tellingly, Bush's plan? It does not. Bush has been telling anyone who will listen (admittedly there are few) that as soon as he can, we will pull troops out of Iraq and re-deploy some to Afghanistan. EXACTLY what Ob-ozo suggested in the last few days to almost universal acclaim.

But what is Ob-ozo doing "planning" the future " with Maliki anyway? The guy's an Iraqi -- he will do whatever is politically expedient for the next 48 nanoseconds and after that, all bets are off! But Ob-ozo does not seem to "get" this. Effectively, this moron is negotiating a future surrender based on the outcome of an election to be held next November -- and nobody in the leftist press seems to understand the idiocy of telling your enemies (not the Iraqis, but the insurgents and their mentors) exactly how long they have to lie low building supplies before they can once again go on the offensive.

Ob-ozo has never served in the military -- or even made the most superficial study of military force and geopolitics -- and this is becoming painfully clear. He is committing every error of appeasement seen since we came out of the caves of our distant past. You cannot trust your enemies: they will smile, wave and pose for photo ops ... with plans for invasion in their back pockets. Ahmad-whacka-job must be be beside himself with mirth.

I'd never confirm or deny that we have any troops anywhere at all -- surprise is a better weapon than handshakes. McCooter knows this. Strangely, Sarko l'Americain understands this too, as does Putin and the Chinese. Only their leftist sympathizers in Cambridge seem to fail to grasp this. Far better to have a convoy of terrorists Taliban cross over from Pakistan into an ambush comprising of a Marine brigade that they thought was in Basra, than telegraph to the world their removal just to please domestic Iraqi and American politicians. I'd rather kill all the Taliban than let one go because Nancy Pelosi wants to show her lefty-loonies in Berkeley that she is working to remove our imperialist troops.

Ob-ozo will speak in Berlin shortly. Prepare yourself for all sorts of JFK analogies, a fawning German press and general hysteria. Make mine a double.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The glaring lack of objectivity by the main stream press in the U.S. is abhorrent. Ob-ozo has been annointed as the "next coming" and the press fawns over him like teeny boppers do to the latest pop star. The complete lack of objectivity from professional "journalists" is shocking. I'm surprised that none of them is sporting an Obama campaign button. God help us if this neophyte is elected. I think Ob-ozo needs to learn how to play poker before he can negotiate with the playground bully, nevermind protecting American interests on the international stage.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:53:00 AM  

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