Sunday, September 14, 2008

Trash talking

Jimmy Myers on 96.9 wtkk tonight ... was engaged in the sort of talk that could only have come from an adherent of Rev. Wright. I could not believe the garbage that was broadcast on the radio.

"You know that if Barack Obama was a white man, he would be leading by at least 10 points." Jimmy, if Barack was white, Hillary would be the nominee, not Barack. In fact Barack would still be a state legislator in Illinois.

Myers stated something to the tune that white people are running these wars for their oil company gain, heedless of the fact that black boys are coming back from those wars in coffins ... hence they were engaged in racist war mongering. Jimmy, nobody in the United States has to join the military. Nobody. And overwhelmingly, it is white boys that are coming home in coffins. Accordingly to, the actual statistic is about 10% black as opposed to 75% white. That is, as actual percentages of the U.S. population, white are more likely to be killed in Iraq than blacks. This is not a racist war in which blacks are singled out to die.

Myers then started to lay some sort of crap about Palin being caught out in a tissues of lies on every issue ... and claimed that the ABC interview proved that, as well as Palin's ignorance of foreign affairs. However, other media sources have slammed the ABC interview as not revealing at all, but a determined effort to trap Palin: she did not appear to understand the Bush doctrine ... but then outside of the Beltway, nobody really does. Myers cited Palin's lack of experience in greeting foreign dignitaries and diplomats are evidence that Palin was unready for the job -- but failed to point out that prior to joining the US senate less than one Presidential term ago, Barack had at best grown up in part in Indonesia, and visited his brother in his mud hut in Kenya.

If you really want to stretch it, Barack's latest European tour gave him some exposure ... but nothing at all in the way of real diplomacy. If that is the measure, then you have to look to McCain and Biden.... They have the requisite experience -- but only McCain is actually running for president.

So it comes to Myers attacking Palin -- the left attacking the female on the right. Myers claiming that because McCain is a one termer, Palin is the threat, or that McCain might not make though his term. Barack might not make it through his, either and then the better qualified part of the ticket would be in office. Apart from the fact that Biden in office means Barack is dead or seriously ill -- I'd be for it. Of all the candidates and running mates, Biden is the best of the lot.

This Myers guy is racist, anti-women, anti-christian and a flat liar. And on the radio. Literally, it was like listening to a black liberation theology sermon, "they (whitey) are lying to us and we don't have to listen anymore." That message parses as 'don't listen to anything anyone says that does not fit into our political view. Listen only to authorized hate monger. Disregard all else.

If Pelosi gets her way and every station has to provide equal air time for the left and the right, does it also include time for extremists? Does it mean that racists of both black and white varieties should have equal time? Would that mean that the Nazi party and the KKK should get air time too? I, for one, don't want ANY racists on the air, or any hate mongers -- but if you let one on, then you have to let them all on: that is freedom of speech. Of course, Pelosi does not mean equal and fair airtime: she would eliminate hate speech ... and anything considered conservative would, by definition, be hate speech for her.

And let's get another thing straight ... I am an American. NOT a "European-American." And if you are a citizen of this country, you are an American, plain and simple. It is by the continued use of these Euro, Afro or Hispanic monikers that we continue to stratify and segregate the country. Yesterday I heard two black people on the air call white Americans "European Americans." As a person who just happens to be white, I object. I do not care to be called European American ... I am simply American, just like you. I could be ethnically from black Jamaican parents who immigrated to the U.K., and then on to the U.S. What would I be then? Afro-Euro-American? What if my ancestors were of moorish stock, who lived 500 years in the South of Spain, then onto Mexico in the 1890's, but I moved to the U.S. and became a citizen?

I do not care about sex, race, ethnicity or origin: every person is a human being and should be treated exactly the same, with the same dignity, respect and care. Equal pay, equal rights ... equality.


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