Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Been on vacation -- to Palin's State

Yes, I went to Alaska. And you know? I understand teen pregnancy a little better: what the heck else are you going to do during those winters?

Sarah Palin is a royal pain in the collective Democratic ass. Pun intended. She is even worse for femi-nazis. She is everything that they have collectively aspired to put on a presidential ticket for 40 years ... except that she is a god-fearing Republican.

Do you think for one second that there would be all this hoopla about her qualifications as a mother if she was from the left? It is clearly OK for leftie moms to seek any form of employment or advancement, but right wing moms should stay at home? Is that the message? And the greater bullshit about the Down's syndrome baby ... if she was left wing, then the Chris Matthews (and other liberal dorks) of this world would be shouting how this is evidence of the need for greater government assistance for working mothers, and how a Federal Agency should be set up to help parents of autistic children. Instead, the Palins just say that they'll manage.

And in Alaska (and throughout most of Red State America), people "manage." They have families, they have relatives ... and their church families (or synagogues/temples) ... to support them. They don't look to the Federal Government for a handout. They don't whine and complain about historical inequities and how the Government "owes" them. They look to their own resources and move on (THAT should be what "move on" is about, not the moaning hand wringing of a bunch of professional leftie babies). America was built by people that "managed." America fought wars with people that "managed." America became great by managing. It was only when people ceased managing, that America lost its vitality, became a slave to income redistribution, Federal spending, and the great forest of Agency handouts.

Sarah Palin opposes all of that burden encumbering the US of A ... and that scares the daylights out of the liberals. Here is a woman, smart and ambitious ... and not one of them. She hunts (oh lordy, lordy, preserve us!!), fishes, rides snowmobiles, kicks corrupt Republican politicians in the nuts, plays sports, cuts spending, goes to church .... Eeekk!!! And she probably doesn't eat granola, listen to NPR, drive a Prius, speechify Green -- and then take private jets. She is everything that will cause Barbra Streisand to leave the country ... and I am still waiting for her to leave from the last time.

Sarah Palin went to a Pentecostal Church for a while ... and the Liberal press are all over her for that. "She went to a church where people speak in tongues!" "She cannot be trusted!" "She must be crazy!" Excuse me for observing, but those same people -- while silly for believing the Bible to be the exact terms of creation -- did not yell "GOD Damn America." Did not claim that AIDs was a white man's trick to kill the blacks. Did not advocate the overthrow of the America, civil disobedience, murder or any other form of mayhem. Obama went to a church for 20 years where THAT was the diet. Give me tongues any day. Democrats and Liberal BETTER not go much further down that track in their quest to discredit her.

Duval "the Worthless" Patrick, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and staunch Obama friend and supporter has been cagey about Palin.... Note that Doofus has not ever visited Massachusetts National Guard personnel during their posting in places where he might get shot at. Palin has visited her troops multiple times -- in her role as Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. She knows how to shoot an M-14, too. According to an instructor, her burst was "pretty much dead center" of the target. Obama can shoot hoops and Doofus ... well, not much.

And Palin is NOT running for President, McCain is.


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