Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Long time no blog....

Back from Holidays and stuff.

And plenty to rant and rave about.

#1. Russia.

Can anyone seriously believe that the Russians are not using heating gas as a strategic weapon? The EU is "shocked and furious" (so says the Daily Telegraph) and guess what the Russians will do about it? Nothing.

You see, the Ukrainians and the assorted Eastern Europeans are not shocked at all: they lived almost 50 years under the Soviet yoke and know exactly what sort of thugs the Russians are and the criminal character of their minds. It was only the grossest of Soviet mismanagement that allowed the USSR to fail and have "Russia" rise, Phoenix-like from the rubble (ruble, rouble...). Still, the people in charge are essentially the same: FSB, KGB, GRU ... firmly in power.

Putin firmly in power. A Chekist. A cut-throat viper of no morals whatsoever. Very clever, very determined and ultimately a foe of humanity. A walking devil.

So, dear European readers ... deal with the Devil and the Devil will own you. And believe me, if you think that you can negotiate with Putin, you are an idiot: he will take exactly as much from you as he thinks he can. And that is ... everything.

How to deal with him? Deny him the capital to run his criminal enterprise, deny him the financial capital and most importantly, the intellectual capital. Cut off the spying by the FSB, refuse to enter into "joint agreements" with his corrupt businesses, isolate him. Sure, an isolated Russia will be dangerous .. but a Russia feeding at your table will be more so: the Bear will take your food too. The old saw of keep your friends close and your enemies closer does not work here. This enemy (and they look at it that way, so you should too) is simply too deadly and plays by no rules with which you may be familiar.

Russia claims the Ukraine is cheating ... siphoning off gas destined for other countries. If so, it is understandable: they will freeze otherwise. If not, then it represents simple misdirection and propaganda designed to isolate the Ukraine. Once public opinion has turned against the "lying and thieving Ukraine," it is time for regime change to something a bit more Russian. And so the dominoes fall. And who will stop them? The EU, which relies on Russia for 30% of its energy needs? I think not. The U.S.? Don't be silly.

So, my Europeans "friends" ... I think that you had better learn a phrase or two of Russian.



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