Saturday, April 04, 2009


Obama stated to Europeans that his biggest job was to convince "them" (meaning Americans) that their best interests was the same at that for the Europeans. I beg to differ ... not that this will be a tough job, but that Europe's interests are aligned with ours.

You see, the Germans, for one, are hoping that they will not have to lash out all sorts of cash to stimulate their economy and those further East. It is cheaper that way: "let the Americans spend all the cash to restart their economy and when they do, we can sell them all sorts of German products, thereby jump-starting the German economy!" That way, we are not in debt, and the Americans are totally dependent on everyone else! Great!

And the French are kid of hoping the same too. Their best interests lie in getting Americans to place themselves into debt forever. Manifestly, our best interests as Americans is to spend as little as possible to get Americans working and spending again ... but to buy American-made goods and services. Yes, we may need to buy raw materials overseas, but as to finished products, we need to the the "value added" at home.

That Obama would commit goodness knows how many billions of dollars to developing countries to help them out (note that this to help them develop, not recover) is simply NOT in America's best interests. I, for one, do not want my children to owe anyone a dime for their/my government's decision to pump money down the toilet of the developing world. For I have little to no doubt that every single dime will be wasted, as most of the stimulus and TARP money has been.

I have no intention whatsoever to help Europe out of their economic bind, or any other country with which we have a balance of payments deficit. Screw them.


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