Friday, September 11, 2009


Obama claims that we are going to save the world through a new form of Medicare.


In case it has escaped you, Medicare is a signal failure as an organization: it will go bankrupt as early as 2017 (estimated by Medicare's own Trustees). Yet, we are going to find ways to cut the waste to help fund universal health care ... 'cause that is what is being proposed under the guise of "available" and "affordable" health plans. In the U.K., they just tax you for it in advance, so the average Brit thinks "its free." Right. But this is nearly the same sort of Ponzi being run by Barry O. I wish I could sell them some waterfront Nevada real estate.

The situation IS grave, Obama is correct about this: the gap between revenues and expenses in Medicare is estimated as ... it makes me sick ... $37 TRILLION over the next 75 years. And again, that is the best estimate from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. But yet, Obama thinks it wise to set up another one of these sink-holes. That is, he is going to save us by compounding the error by a factor of 10?

So where is Barry gonna get the loot? His savings will have to come (at least partly) at the expense of seniors already enrolled in Medicare programs run by private companies ... that is to the tune of $177 billion. That means 24% of seniors are going to have to figure something else out. Perhaps the "Public Option." You see, Obama thinks that this money is going to "pad the the profits" of the insurance companies and that it does not improve he quality of care for the seniors. One wonders if Obama has ever had to call a government agency for something so minor as a passport, as opposed to something so vital as medications. Think about it: getting a government flunky on the line has ever gotten anyone anywhere -- it must be far better to risk the labyrinth of the insurance company than the surety of the government stonewall.

Actually Barry is dead wrong about the quality of care -- again -- because the program we are talking about "Medicare Advantage" DOES improve the health care of the seniors : enrollment has doubled since 2003. So the logical thing to do for the true socialist is to eliminate the sole private -- and efficient -- part of the Medicare system.

In his speech, Barry absolutely denied "Death Panels." Yeah, so would I, if I were in his boots. But what I would not do is to in the same speech talk about an "independent commission of doctors and medical experts charged with identifying waste...." Heck, that is the Death Panel!!! You see, what is waste to one person, is vital life-sustaining medication to another. And when a government-appointed and run Commission sets about making the determination of what constitutes waste, you can bet that it will be their view of waste that will trump yours. "Independent?" Don't insult me, Mr. Obama. Nothing about you or your administration is "independent" or bi/non-partisan. Nothing. So does this rise to the status of "Lie," similar to coverage for illegals? IT IS WORSE. It is pre-planned systematic life-triage, and I, for one, cannot brook that in these United States.

Mr. Barry O also wants us to believe that his new program can be run efficiently: fraud is currently running between 3% and 10% of all healthcare expenses. Wanna guess where the bulk of this occurs? Private insurance companies are dragons when it comes to getting them to pay for honest medicine ... think that Medicare is as good? Hardly a day goes by without some massive fraud being exposed in Medicare.

Think that Medicare provides good service? Well, don't get sick: too many days in hospital, and all of a sudden, you are footing the uninsured bill. And the vast bulk of medical expenses typically occur in the last 18 months of life. Who gets screwed? Seniors.

Doctors? My father is/was a doctor ... and he will tell you that Medicare provides almost laughable payments, coupled with a burden or paperwork that induces most private physicians to refuse Medicare patients: "the practice is full." Why? Well, it is Washington again, providing attention to insane levels of detail (someone has to justify their job, too), and making a conscious decision to force the physician/hospital to subsidize their costs: i.e., overcharge the others to make ends meet. So Medicare gets by with lower costs. This is an indirect taxation of the hard-working in America. Wanna guess how much this subsidy amounts to? The average PPO covered family pays an extra $1788 a year to bail out Medicare and Medicaid, that's $89 Billion each year in total. You want choice? Well you are going to have to pay for it.

Not that Medicare costs are low: when the total/real cost is tallied, that is, including the army of collection agents, accountants, inspectors, human resources and policy personnel are included, the putative administrative costs are doubled. Do you think that the Public Option will be any different?




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