Monday, November 30, 2009

They make me puke....

Here we are in the (should-be) middle of one of the greatest scandals ever uncovered: the hoax of Anthropogenic Global Warming ("AGW") and you can barely read anything on it outside of the 'net in the US of A. You can also see some stuff on Fox and the Wall Street Journal -- but the lefties don't read or listen anyway, and the bulk of the U.S. population barely reads and watch Oprah (who is in the tank for anything O-bot, anyway) to find out what is "important." So how is the truth going to get out there? The truth being that in the name of scientific nonesense (like canals on Mars), Obama and his global cohort of socialist engineers is going to radically change our society and bankrupt our children's future.

Carol Browner (one of the greatest Liberal crazies ever -- Google her to get a feeling of the depth of the psychosis) dismissed the revelation of hoax thusly: she totally ignored the smoking e-mails, [and] attributed the scandal to "a very small group of people who continue to say this isn't a real problem, that we don't need to do anything." She is Obama's climate adviser. CAN YOU SAY CRAZY?

"What am I going to do?" asked Browner. "Side with the couple of naysayers out there, or the 2,500 scientists?" -- who've drunk the Kool-Aid. "I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists." Not only does she ignore the balance of more than 50/50 against AGW in Europe (many of which are scientists who have renounced their earlier political correctness given the weight and magnitude of evidence against them), and she ignores the learned and serious climatologists from the U.S.'s most prestigious universities, such as Caltech and MIT. Instead, she buys into people like Hansen (Gore's guru who has no formal climatology training AT ALL), and his type who are AGW cult-members, to further her and her Master's political beliefs.

And we pay her salary. And she is not accountable to the electorate, except by derivation, if Obama should not get re-elected. This is serious-ass crazy. Absolutely gaga ... speaking of whom, she'd be preferable.

I didn't even intend to write about these idiots. But one must wonder if there any lights on in the collective White House crania this year. What I meant to write about is this:

Vladimir Putin has pissed his pants once again. And not because he read Browner's drivel, hilairous (though scary) as it might be. Rather, it is because Admadinejad announced that



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