Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NIMBY or just graft?

The Obama administration has decided to fund/lend Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras billions of dollars for the exploration of Brazil's Tupi oil field near Rio.

But get this: it is an offshore oil field. So we Americans who could definitely use some offshore drilling ourselves can't ... for environmental and other concerns (only the DNC could tell you what those might be that are so important that we can kiss Middle Eastern butt forever). We are talking $2 billion -- with an option for more.

Let's think about this a sec.... The U.S. is broke and Petrobras is one of the largest oil companies in the world, and hardly broke at all. The Bush-led attempt to drill offshore was shut down in 2007 by a lunatic in the Federal Court system ... but it is not clear if this court order applies to ALL offshore drilling. Still, as with many things, the Obama administration does what suits them, even if it is a violation of the spirit or letter of the law for regular Americans.

But there is a "kicker" here: Petrobras has one VERY large shareholder. His name is George Soros. And as we know, Soros was a huge supporter of the Obama campaign and to Democrat causes generally. We also know that Soros is a "progressive" in the mold of (which he funds) and other ultra-liberal causes. That this financing would see to violate every notion on which the Dems in Congress have fought attempts to tap American oil exploitation, seems to be swept under the rug.

Another Liberal / Democrat double standard? Or simple pay-off graft in the Chicago style by our "Dear Leader?"

And what are the odds that in the State of the Union Obama attempts to portray himself as an outsider? An independent? That he tries to paper over his middle-class stab in the back as the champion of the middle class? Get set to hear a raft of lies that will astound you. I am not sure if I can watch -- I may just have to read the transcript: the sight of his Highness Emperor O spouting lies and his toadies on the left kissing his heine with standing ovations might make me lose chow. The thought of a "smiling" Pelosi makes my stomach turn.


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