Friday, January 08, 2010

Back from the Holidays and Annoyed at the President

Mr. Obama ... you have got to be kidding.

14 Days after the attempted terrorist attack -- that so very nearly succeeded and is claimed by Al Qaeda -- you manage to stumble out a pathetic mea cupla. Only after blaming just about every federal agency he could dig up? You finally blurt out "we are at war with Al Qaeda?" Has it somehow escaped your liberal-addled brain that a moron like Bush has been saying that since 9/11? Just because Bush is a moron does not mean that he cannot see what a moderately-well educated second grader could figure out.

And where does this place you now in the forbidden "war on terrorism" policy. Is Al Qaeda somehow different from "terrorism?" Is Al Qaeda a sovereign state? A political party? Or a terrorist organization bent on our destruction? Hmmm?

Your intelligence services let you down because everyone in them is terrified about being hauled up before some liberal kangaroo court for "human rights abuses." Who in their right mind would single out a single, crazy (black) Nigerian that has visited Yemen and been reported to the CIA by his own father. Wouldn't that be profiling? Wouldn't I lose my job and pension at the Company if I were bold/rash enough to venture that this cat should be stopped from even thinking about America, let alone flying into Detroit?

Obama, you bring this down on your own head. Look at the REAL moron you have in charge of Homeland Security: is Napolitano the most pathetic excuse for leader or not? We are talking about someone who when confronted with a narrowly averted disaster states, " the system worked perfectly." Can you get stupider? You see, in bureaucrat-land (of which the CIA is emphatically and charter member) "process" is everything. AND THESE MORONS ARE GOING TO PROCESS YOUR HEALTH CARE TOO. Trust them? I don't.

You know what else annoys me? The failure of Congress to do anything about the tax roll-backs that are expiring. So Obama will not be hung for "raising" taxes, these are things that someone else did (Clinton) and someone else tried to extinguish (Bush) incrementally and are now being brought back in full force. Try: DEATH TAX. Call it what you want, but that is what it is. Republicans tried to phase it out -- 2010 was the zero year. In 2011, without any action by Congress, it goes back to 55%. That means literally "death" to innumerable family businesses, ruin to jobs and confiscation of what people worked so hard to create.

Try: AMT -- it was only designed to catch the richest 100 American (really!!!!), but now it will snag $63 billion from Americans making as little as $75,000. No way Obama is going to fail to collect that tidy sum. Try: tax deduction for local and state taxes --- another $1.85 billion is corralled up again. The tax credit for R&D by companies (which keeps us competitive in the World Market) ... has been suspended. Another $7 billion. How about the 50% write off that allows small businesses to make capital spending purchases ... which creates jobs ... gone.

In all, according to the WSJ, 70 taxes went into force on Jan. 1, 2010 Obama's henchmen will shift the blame for this and claim that it was "not their doing" --- but what has really happened is "their not doing" anything to prevent this burden from being imposed. A sin of omission rather than commission. Another way of putting it: screwed by Pelosi and Reid again, their master O chuckling behind the scenes.


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