Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tea Party rationale

Weird, but bear with me. I was watching the Lord of the Rings recently and could not help but think of the Democrats as Mordor's minions ... which is unfair to a lot of Democrats, no doubt. But something about the anger of the orcs, goblins and gremlins reminded me of the insensate anger of Liberals in Berkeley and Cambridge and the desire for "revenge." Revenge for what? The highest living standard on Earth? The best health care on the planet? The ability to speak your mind without reprisals (well, not so much anymore given "hate speech" legislation)? Are they so angry and bent on "change" because we have it too good? Is some force responsible for mass psychosis?

The Liberals want to disarm us in the literal and figurative senses, notwithstanding the very obvious intent of the second article of our Bill of Rights and the plain meaning throughout the rest of the Constitution. This disarming is not merely about weapons -- it is about the disembowelment of everything that makes our country great. Arms are just a paradigm about our rights in the larger sense.

Rights mattered so much to Americans that a bunch of "old dudes" a long time ago felt that the Constitution did not go far enough, as it was then drafted, in making clear what Americans can and cannot do to each other. So they went through the trouble of amending our Constitution to include what they termed "the Bill of Rights." The leading "old dude" was a gent by the name of James Madison. Madison's series of Articles were strongly supported by another "old dude" Thomas Jefferson.  Alexander Hamilton, no mean intellect, was against the Bill of Rights essentially on the premise that these rights were so obvious in the first place, that to enshrine them would be to imply that other rights that Americans assumed were naturally theirs might be infringed. Hamilton would be aghast at the Liberal-progressive assault on the basic liberties that are enshrined, let alone the gradual chipping away at rights so fundamental that not even Madison thought it necessary to enumerate them.

What am I driving at? It is this: Obama's Liberal-socialist agenda of regulating our lives is destroying the essence of our country and the very real considerations on which it was founded -- the preservation and exercise of our inalienable rights.  It is precisely the sudden recognition of Obama's goals which has led to the urgency which is driving the Tea Party movement. It is a movement about our rights as free men and women, rights which are so blindingly obvious that when taken in isolation only an idiot would argue against their exercise.

Take self-defense ... the right to protect yourself and those you love. Dershowitz (leftie Harvard Law scholar -- but one seriously brilliant mind) posed the conundrum -- broadly paraphrased: your child has been hidden underground somewhere by a kidnapper, the box in which your child has been placed has only 1/2 hour of air left and you have managed to capture the kidnapper ... what do you do? Politely ask the kidnapper where the child is -- worry about that vermin's "rights," or take a Black & Decker to the bastard's kneecaps to find out what you need to know?

Change it up a bit, now the scenario is a terrorist and a dirty bomb somewhere in your city due to go off in 30 minutes .... Mssrs Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, Washington ... JFK, Roosevelt, Truman and Reagan would have waited about 3 nanoseconds before reaching for the toolbox. BUT, crazies that you hear on NPR routinely will tell you that two wrongs don't make a right and that they would let the bomb go off or their children die. Seriously, I have heard this from Liberal friends -- although I must  need to have my head examined to consider them as "friends,"yet on the other hand, living in Boston means that if I use that sort of craziness as a criteria, I'd soon have very few friends. Hmmm.

The Tea Party movement is about getting back to sanity - away from idiotic ideals that do not reflect reality. If nobody had handguns ... then they would not be used for crime. That is true. But somehow criminals will always manage to get hold of guns of their own. If everyone paid their taxes and there was no underground economy, we'd not have a budget deficit. If people only hired documented and legal persons, we'd have no illegal immigration problem -- with its attendant burdens on housing, schooling, welfare and medical care. If everybody loved peace, there'd be no war. If everyone told the truth and kept their promises, there'd be no divorce. But this is clearly nonsense. All of it. And goodness knows how much more.

Truth is, people steal because it is easier than working. People bully others because they like power. Countries bully others for their own gain. People cheat on taxes because then they have more money to spend on themselves. Guns make people afraid ... easier to get them to hand over their wallets -- no different than Ahmadinejad knowing that a nuclear bomb makes him a "playah" and not merely some psycho terrorist. If you care very little about quality of life, it is easier to sit on the couch and watch Oprah than to put in 10 hours at a McJob. The Tea Party movement recognizes these truths and wants our government to address them.

The Tea Party movement includes Democrats, Republicans and Independents -- which is why we cannot let the GOP hi-jack this: the GOP is filled with narrow-minded zealots and in this way is little different from the Dems. My issue with Huckabee? He believes in the tooth fairy (literal word of the Bible) and would impose that belief on Americans at large.

One last reflection ... if Liberals are the orcs and goblins, etc. ... who is Saruman and who is Sauron? I used to think that Obama is Sauron ... but the guy simply doesn't learn. He just does not have the intellectual horsepower required, ergo he must be something like Saruman. Sauron ... hmmm.  The Witch King of Angmar -- easy: Pelosi and her 8 other ring wraiths, including Reid, Emmanuel, etc. But who is Sauron?  It implies some greater malevolence, greater skill and ability to influence. It this some character yet to hit the stage? Is it someone like George Soros -- the money, the skill, the intelligence, ambition and desire for progressive change? Or is he, too, some sophisticated agent?

Think I am paranoid? If you consider the whole progress of socialism in the United States since 1960, manifesting itself in the crop of 2008, the harvest of leftist, socialist thought that now controls our legislatures, universities and news media ... it is too perfect. Almost seamless. Yet, by some miracle -- as happened when some patriots decided that "enough was enough" in some sleepy rural field near Boston in the 1770's, American people have suddenly woken up to the erosion of their freedoms.

Excelsior, America.


Blogger Zaphod said...

Ironic that a blog on the tea party movement should receive a robo-hack for Levitra.

Friday, February 12, 2010 9:03:00 AM  

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