Thursday, April 22, 2010

Co-inky-dink? I think not.

Brother Obama travelled to New York today ... and the first that the Mayor of that fair city heard of it was through a blog following the Presidential calendar.  That is a far cry from having Bloomberg do the warm-up intros at Obama's campaign speeches....

On the Goldman watch: Goldman Sachs have engaged ex-White House counsel Gregory Craig. Craig is now a partner at Skadden Arps in Washington -- where he claims to be a lawyer and not a lobbyist. Right. One of the world's most prestigious law firms would hire Obama's counsel ... for his litigation prowess? Uh, huh. And Goldman thinks that he is a jim-dandy litigator too.

Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman's CEO has travelled to Washington 4 times over the past year (apart from appearing before Congress to get a whipping): to meet with Obama twice and Larry Summers (Obama's chief economic advisor and "he who was drummed out of Harvard by the Loonies of the Arts and Sciences faculty for opining that men may be biologically better suited to mathematics" fame).  Do you suppose that Blankfein will have access to Craig's Rolodex? Or is that now the "contacts" file?

On other matters today: South Park creators have been threatened with death after creating an episode that is unflattering to the Prophet Mohammed.  Well, they showed a picture of a dead Theo Van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam stating that they (South Park guys) could wind up like this.  And this was by AMERICAN Muslims -- "Revolution Islam" a New York based radial group.  Comedy Central have censored the offending two-part episode ... I guess the idea is that "they know where you live." I think the FBI should send a nice message to each of the members of this organization, at whatever may be their current addresses ... containing some fish wrapped in newspapers. That's art too. At least it is close enough for my needs.

EARTH DAY!!!  And POTUS felt it necessary to screw up the traffic in New York and speak at Cooper Union (a leftie-arts school!!!) about Wall Street. Uh, let me think about this ... are we not meant to respect the environment and worry about such things as Global Warming on April 22?  But POTUS flies in from DC using how ever many planes and helicopters, snarling traffic, burning oceans of fossil fuels ... to lecture us about the evils of capitalism? Do think that if GW Bush had done this that there may have been enviro-weenies by the thousands demonstrating? But the Huffington Post gushes purple prose?

OH WAIT ... I forgot. Joe Biden is also in NYC today!!!  He is due to appear with Whoopie and Babs on "The View." So, lets think about this ... Obama on Air Force 1, that's a Boeing 747-400 converted with all the goodies. Biden on Air Force 2, that's a Boeing 757 (but more stripped out).  And hundreds of planes circling around La Guardia (Biden) and Kennedy (Obama) burning fuel wasting time.  Sure, we cannot have both of them on the same plane (we just can't get that lucky), but you may well ask why either of them have to travel this day at all? I think that Biden should have taken a helo from D.C. far cheaper. Personally, I'd rather see his miserable heine on the Jersey Turnpike.


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