Thursday, April 08, 2010

What up wit dat?

Specifically, what up wit da Euro?

Really, it quite simple: Greece.  Nobody in their right minds really thinks that the Greeks will do a damn thing to clean up their endemic corruption, tax evasion and outright stealing. So, the chance that they will pay their government debt, it pretty darn slim. The prospect is a Euro-zone country going "tits-up." Defaulting. As in, not paying their debts, trying to issue more and being surprised when nobody want to buy any.

Sounds rather like our own country, doesn't it? But in the case of the Euro, it means that Greece might have to withdraw from that currency system, start printing their own pesos (drachmas) and debasing the place generally. Nothing like a Zimbabwe in your favorite holiday spot. The Greeks have always been Bolshie to the extreme, while hiding bucket loads of convertible currencies in their Taberna cellars. March against capitalist oppression during the day, wait on tables for tax-evaded tips during the evening, seduce Swedish holiday-makers at night and repeat.

The issue seems to be that hard working Germans ants no longer want to pay for the Grasshoppers of the South. And really, who could blame them? I don't want to pay for the Federal Deficit Holes of urban America, either. I'd make anyone seeking Federal assistance of any kind pee into the cup one a month to prove that they are not simply living off of my dime to support a life of dope dealing and consumption.  Similarly, the Germans might do well to send brigades of German tax inspectors to Greece -- and send Greek tax cheats to rebuild the Autobahns. Or even re-built Greek infrastructure ... but they'd figure out a way to mess that up locally. Better to send them someplace cold and wet: Ireland.

All sorts of people are now starting to laugh at POTUS. The incidence of Depends usage is WAY up. Chavez is now cozying up to Putin, Ahmadinejad and Uruguay's new leader.  Iran flat out threatened us: "if America presents Iran with a serious threat and undertakes any measure against Iran, none of the American soldiers who are currently in the region would go back to America alive," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.  It goes without saying that any Israeli attack will be taken as an attack by their sponsor ... the U.S. 

Actually, that is hysterical in that Obama is the most hostile U.S. leader with respect to Israel since that State's inception in 1947.  That will no doubt be lost on Ahmad-wacka-job, who has called Obama a cowboy and wet behind the ears.

Volker, Obama's pet Fed-guru, is bracing -- a.k.a. us for the prospect of how Obama intends to pay for all this collective folly: VAT ... the dreaded value-added tax.  Also, higher fuel taxes, taxes on just about everything else.  That is OBAMA speaking folks.



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