Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let me get this straight...

Depends are in short supply in Russia.  The Russian supplied and built nuclear reactor at Bushehr, Iran is scheduled to go online in August. The Russians have told the world so. Russia, despite Obama's best groveling, refuses to assist the U.S. in any meaningful way in stopping Iran from becoming a nuke nation in terms of weapons.  Duh. If you follow the ancient maxim of "follow the gold", you will doubtlessly find that Iran handsomely pays the Russians -- or more correctly, the proper Russians -- for their assistance in achieving nuclear generated power.  The prospect of said Russians assisting the U.S. in anything as it relates to Iran is near zero. And Obama and his advisers should know that. So either Obama is incredibly stupid, or he is incredibly naive. Either way, as far as it concerns U.S. citizens, he is an idiot.

Add to this the equally obvious tenet: if I arm my enemy's enemy, I may be able to just sit back and watch while someone else does my work. Russia has everything to gain from a nuclear Iran threatening the U.S. and its oil supplies ... Russia has its own oil for its own needs for the foreseeable future. And if a time should come where Russia needs nuclear power of its own to supplement its carbon-based supplies, there is no significant domestic resistance to building as many plants as they may need.

The one risk is that a nuclear Iran becomes suddenly interested in the welfare of Muslims in Russia. A Muslim bomb in the hands of any one of a dozen active "terrorist" groups within Russia would mean Moscow missing part of its buildings. Or maybe St. Petersburg. Russia discounts that particular worry, doubtless for these reasons: (1) Russia's spying agencies are not bound by the ethics and liberal crap used to bind the CIA et al.; (2) Russia believes in "humint"... real people penetrating enemy organizations, and real blackmail and payoffs for information; (3) Russia can devote how ever much time and money to developing radiation detectors to protect the elite and territory on which they may be found; (4) Russia will simply kill those that threaten them (can you imagine Obama standing up and telling the world that they will exterminate domestic terrorists?); (5) and Russia's homegrown FBI/CIA (the FSB) is everywhere in Russia, and operates without the niceties of search warrants and probable cause.  There is also likely the unspoken threat that Russia would not hesitate to assassinate a foreigner that reneged on their deal: Ahmadinejad must surely know that if he screws Russia, he is a dead man.

So Russia would kind of like to see the U.S. caught in an untenable position: exactly where it is now. How did it get there? Simple, we lost our nerve. We, the American people, elected someone who promised to apologize to the World and then carried it out. We elected someone who was guaranteed to allow all this to unfold at the correct moment, as Iran approached its nuclear dawn. Guaranteed? How?

Could Russia and various rich (Muslim) Middle Eastern power brokers have helped arrange this?  By way of an answer, consider this: it has been proven by records released from the Kremlin that the anti-nuke and peace movements of the 1960's through 1980's was funded directly from the Kremlin.  Those huge anti-Pershing missile rallies in Germany? Russian-paid.  The "remove U.S. bombs from Britain?" Russian-paid. The great socialist upheavals in the U.S. during this period? Largely Russian funded, inspired and orchestrated. Unbelievable, but the Kremlin's own documents prove it. Global trades union movements have been funded by the Soviets since they were able to muster the money to send abroad -- another provable item.  Racial unrest in the U.S.? If the Soviets were able to bring some about, it would fit nicely with their goals.

So who or what created Obama the political animal who leads us in this time of stress?

Let's take his connections to Frank Marshall Davis, his "father figure and mentor" during his years in Hawaii. Those are Obama's words -- from Dreams From My Father.  Davis was a black labor leader and communist (and probably a direct Soviet-controlled agent). From Wiki: "In the pages of the paper, Davis articulated an agenda of social realism, which included appeals for racial justice in politics and economics, as well as legal justice. Davis became interested in the Communist party in 1931 during the famous Scottsboro boys and Angelo Herndon cases and championed black activism to compensate for social ills not remedied by the larger white society. In the early 30s he warned against blacks accepting the Depression-era remedies being pushed by communists but by 1936 Davis was listed as a contributing editor to the Spokesman, the official organ of the Youth Section of the National Negro Congress, a Communist front organization.

Hmmm. "Father figure" might be bad enough, but "Mentor?" Did something in this relationship prompt Obama's decision to list himself in the latest census as "black" as opposed to bi-racial? His mother is unequivocally "white," as are the grandparents that actually raised him. Does "black blood" make him "black?" That sounds racist, like something a Klan member might say.  In Obama, it becomes a political distinction, because logically he is bi-racial.

Let's take this a bit further.... So if 3 of 4 grandparents were "white," would Obama still call himself "black?" How about 7 of 8? (Tiger Woods labels himself as "Cablinasian" reflecting caucasian, black, native American and Asian). The point is Obama decided at some point to make the political determination that he was "black" and eschews the notion and reality that he is half white. His birth father was black and Muslim -- from Kenya. His second father was Indonesian and Muslim.  Davis, as his third father-figure was a black socialist. I 'll leave it to future sociologists to discuss how or why Obama identified with each of these transient men and not the constancy of his grandparents. Not my issue, fine, his call ... but what affects all of us it is not the fact of lost boy choosing to style himself after father figures he never had, but the determination to follow the political tenets of those persons ... and that bothers me a great deal. Oh, I forgot ... his maternal grandfather, a close friend of Davis, was also a leftist social activist during a time in Hawaii when that would have been outright dangerous. So, politically, Obama's background is the grand slam of socialist indoctrination.

More on Davis: in the 1950's Davis wrote for the ILWU -- the international longshore and warehouse union -- paper on labor issues and racism. No doubt there was bad blood there: Davis's own wholesale paper business burned to the ground during racial unrest in 1951, and can only have deepened his political radicalism. At this time Davis was also on the Executive Board of the Civil Rights Congress, which was cited by the Truman administration as a communist subversive organization. That the ILWU was communist dominated and led is not subject to serious dispute.

From FBI files:
Robert M. Kempa, a communist party informant who agreed to cooperate with government investigators, reported,
Late in the fall of 1950, I started contacting Frank Marshall Davis in connection with Communist Party matters, and relaying to him information received from my superior contact in the Communist Party, either James Freeman or [redacted]. During a portion of 1950, 1951 and part of 1952, I continued contacting Frank Marshall Davis and also transmitted dues for the Communist Party received from him to my contact above. During the period of my contacts with Frank Marshall Davis, he advised me that his wife, Helen was a member of Group #10. ...During a portion of 1951 [redacted] took over contacts with the Davis group but I resumed contacting Davis in 1952 and continued meeting him on Communist Party matters until I left the Party in June of that year."[14]
  Obama himself wrote:  "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, Daishiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created."

From Wiki: Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to the CPUSA official publication Political Affairs, identified "Frank" as Davis, and "a decisive influence in helping Obama to find his present identity" as an African-American.[20] Claims that Davis was a political influence on Obama were reiterated in the hotly-disputed anti-Obama book The Obama Nation.[21] A rebuttal to The Obama Nation released by Obama's presidential campaign, titled Unfit for Publication, confirmed that "Frank" was, in fact, Frank Marshall Davis, but disputes certain claims about the nature of their relationship.[22]

And we know that Obama was a close friend of Bill Ayers. And that he spent 20 years in a Black Liberation Theology church ... more than a few Sundays is enough to turn your stomach. Google it and read. If you haven't, it is important that you do. Years of attendance and allegiance .... It is what it is, no matter how much the left wants to characterize it another way.  It is clear that everything in his background supports the notions that Obama simply hates the America that was and is. He is trying VERY HARD to change it.

Back to the Russians and Soviets.

Take one Barack Hussein Obama. Insert a past burning with personal shame at the evil America represents ... and utter misunderstanding of how the world really works, how entire nations are pawns in superpower struggles -- let alone fabricated political beliefs he was raised on, and you get POTUS. Really, Obama's election is the culmination of all the Soviet Union had worked for for 80 years. Only about 20 years too late. Enough BS had been fed into the collective American brain to accept the pap and campaign promises to get this socialist plant, this mole or Manchurian Candidate elected. Enough control had been effected over the media, academia and Liberalism's useful idiots. And suddenly, like a gift from the atheist ghost of the USSR, Russia has been presented with a useful idiot in the role of the President of the United States. Iran can't believe its good fortune. Similarly, despots and pseudo-communist leaders across the world are still sitting in stunned surprise that the might U.S. of A. screwed up so royally as to elect an idealist / socialist newbie to office.

So, is Russia happy? They are delirious! Bring on more Depends.  Ahmadinejad? He needs to hang a few dissidents to calm himself down. For every dollar that the price of oil rises, Iran has $1.5 BILLION more money to spend on its form of Jihad, and Russia is able to fund untold mischief for the World. And Obama just does not "get it." Russia help us stop Iran's pretensions? What, are YOU stupid?



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