Wednesday, July 28, 2010

pOTUS -- a truly bad man.

pOTUS (small p) will appear on the View tomorrow. I have already written about the slap to millions and millions of Americans who have been Scouts -- Brownies, Daisies, Cubs and of course, Boy and Girl Scouts. Obama has clearly made a decision to abandon the families for which these organizations represent traditional values. Instead, he is hoping to appeal to suburban soccer moms, aided and abetted by a crew of Hollywood Liberals.

Obama is going to make a pitch "to try and recapture the magic." HOPE. CHANGE. Being bent over a barrel and rammed up the sphincter without the so-much fare-thee-well of "sorry." I am simply disgusted and appalled that anyone would watch this charade. This Weasel-in-Chief won't even appear in front of the White House press corps anymore for Q&A (all-time low numbers of press conferences for a modern president) -- afraid that the leftist press corps will give him a hard time. What kind of renegade do you have to be that even your sycophants are tired of you. Your only refuge Hollywood morons.


A federal district court judge today shot down the Arizona law. Prohibiting the part that requires a cop to determine the immigration status of persons legally stopped pursuant to violations or reasonable suspicion / probable cause.  This judge was a Clinton appointee. No surprise then.

BUT what really riles me is that this restraining order effectively makes Arizona a free territory for illegal immigrants by Federal sanction. Obama is saying, you cannot enforce the laws of the land and I won't do it either.  He is sacrificing Arizona on the altar of leftist politics and the liberal agenda. "It means justice will truly prevail," said Lydia Guzman, president of Somos America, or We Are America. Lydia ... don't come near me, or you either Judge Susan Bolton. Whatever I ate recently won't sit well.

Do I really think that Arizona should be enforcing Federal Immigration Laws? Of course not. DO I think that Arizona has a right -- a State's Right -- to protect its citizens? Yes. And where through malice and sheer political opportunism the Federal Government declines to protect its citizens, and operate in opposition to over 80% of the affected State and over 55% of its citizens nationally -- a State may have to do what it has to do. In turn, we need to remember this in November.

Right now the appeal is to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ... the most liberal and insane group of jurists ever assembled. The chances of success on appeal is close to zero. Which brings us to the Supreme Court. 5-4 will be the vote. Let's hope this can be expedited, although the 9th Circuit will stall as long as possible to assist Obama in November. Yes, I mean that -- a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals will act as a adjunct to the Executive Branch. Believe it. I remember reading a case related to something that I was working on in the Second Circuit. When the decision came down: "notwithstanding the interesting and creative opinions of our brethren in the Ninth Circuit, we chose to hold otherwise." Essentially calling them flakes and judicial activists in violation of their duty to interpret the laws pursuant to the intent of the legislative branch. So even the most respect Court in the land (the 2nd Cir. is the most respected ... probably more so than the Supremes) regards the 9th as a lost cause.

Which sort of bring me to Kagan. "Clear and present danger." 'Nuff said.


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