Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just a few quick thoughts

After yesterday's long rant on the Peoples Republic, once again I am chuckling about Iran ... and Germany. You see, if Ahmadinejad decides to accompany the Iranian national team to Germany for the World Cup, Germany is more or less forced to accept and honor him as a visiting head of state -- at least they cannot deny him entry.

So what, you say.... Well, Germany has lots of interesting laws similar to the Austrian ones about Holocaust denial and refuting official German history. As we know, A-jad completely denies the Holocaust and wants to inflict a new one on Israel, if he can possibly arrange it. And he has told the world so repeatedly. Hmmm, so the visiting Head of State is a criminal in German eyes and at German law. But untouchable.

What makes this more delicious, is that the Germans will be forced into publically chiding or rebuking A-jad, upsetting that delicate balance of diplomacy that the Germans have so carefully built with the Arab world -- and in particular Iran, where they sell $5 billion a year in advanced techonology goods. You can bet your butt that there are precision German parts in any Iranian nuclear facility. And those facilities are being used to enrich uranium -- for peaceful purposes. But say they build a bomb? And the Germans enabled it ... to kill a whole bunch of Jews in Israel. Rather touchy position to be placed in, don't you think? And given the obstruction of Germany in getting the Iranians to the bargaining table, and the German failure to support the War on Terrorism (I don't care what you think about Boosh and Iraq -- the Germans are VERY quiet about Islamic terrorism), it is just wonderful to see them in this pickle. Of course, it would be better to see the French in it, but the French have no Holocaust denial laws like the German's, and frankly see Israel as a pain in the butt, not a democracy struggling to survive. The French only care if you can pay for their weapons and techonolgy, there would be no "soul searching" in Paris!!

But, lots of soul-searching going on in Germany -- the newspapers are full of it. But you can hardly see a ripple in the US press or elsewhere. Why? Because of the need to brainwash the public as to the evil that Boosh does: they hate him so much, they are unwilling to really detail and expose the vile pool of hatred that is the Iranian government. They want to maintain the fiction that negotiation is possible and Boosh is not doing it, because he is a stupid man and war mongerer.

Folks, A-jad is the real deal sicko: right up there with Hitler, Stalin, the Taliban and Pol Pot. Did Hitler let us know about his long range plans for the "Endloesung" in 1933? Did anyone really know that the resistance to the Soviets in Afghanistan would result in the most repressive society seen on Earth for many a year? But if one really listened to Hitler or Mullah Omar and thought about what they stood for, it would have been no huge leap of logic to foresee the future. A-jad is TELLING us what he plans to do and what his wishes are right up front. Why should we disbelieve him?


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