Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chickenshits ... but effective

Hoozboolah, that gang of terrorist antagonists is really clever is exploiting the fundamental weakness of Western society: people who give a damn about others. If you find nothing wrong about hiding among civilians while conducting war, you clearly don't give a shit.

And that reflects back to the greater wars being conducted against Islamic countries: within the powers that currently control Islamic society there is simply no regard for the individual. It may be that in the context of the greater struggle for the ascendancy of Islam over the secular West there is no room or place for caring about the individual. Certainly the predominantly Sunni insurgency in Iraq could care less who gets hurt, as even the most biased observer would have to admit. The insurgents routinely blow up large numbers of civilians in a effort to destablize democracy and incite civil war? Why? Just to kick the infidel out? No, that is not all by any margin. It is about power and rule of their brand of Islam -- and yes it is Islam, because it is all encompassing within the daily life of observant Mulsims. You cannot separate secular daily life and economic progress from Islam ... because observance of the tenets of Islamic faith prevent that secular approach: you can't be a good Muslim and ignore infidels in your homeland, and members of different sects are just about as much infidels as us satanic Westerners.

So where does this leave us? A whole population in the South of Lebanon who readily absorb death and destruction and which readily hides and protects terrorists. Note that I am NOT making the statement that to be Muslim is to be a terrorist, even if you are living in Hoozboolah territory -- you are a terrorist if you fight for an organization which has no legitimacy as a national army, does not reflect the will of the majority of people of the country in which you operate and inflict death on innocent people for political gains. Now, of course, from the Islamic point of view, the notion of a country that does not follow the will of Allah (as devined by some Ayatollah or Mullah somewhere) is specious: since Islam is all important, it matters very little where fighters for Islam are based or what their territorial affiliations are. Borders and political distinction are purely secondary -- that is what we just don't "get" in the West. Instead, what matters most is that they fight for a common theology -- and the goals of that persuasion. And here it is the eradication of Israel. Any collateral damage produced is MAYBE regretable (for it may also be the will of Allah) so ultimately, who cares? Here we flip the coin again ... we do. Or at least our socialist and politically correct news corps does. So they parade a litany of photos showing death and destruction in South Lebanon inciting us to pressure the Israelis to stop their retaliation "because war is wrong."

War is not wrong. War may the only thing between you and your family being put to the sword or herded into death camps. War is disgusting, harsh and uncivilized -- but that is the view of this writer, a Westerner. But it is not wrong. Israel and numerous other countries have managed to produce verifiable footage of rocket launchers in hotel car parks. Fighters dressed in civilian clothes, the better to disappear into the civilian crowd after an assault. Schools and hospitals used as barracks for Hooz-a-majigger fighters, in short all that has been alleged by Israel since day one. That is, PROOF that Hezbollah IS using civilians as shields. And in so doing, manipulating the useful idiots in the liberal progressive West.

So if Hezbollah does not care, why should we? Because we are right and they are wrong? That is precisely the argument that causes Muslim blood to boil: the arrogance that the Western way of thought and life is the only correct way and that the presumption that they are ignorant violent children who can be taught a different way. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE TAUGHT A DIFFERENT WAY. THAT WOULD BE TO REFUTE ISLAM. Hence take these negotiations and shove them up your ass, unless of course, that they would be a tactical advantage in the war which cannot end until Israel is gone.

Now the Israelis understand this very well. In fact, there are lots of religious loonies in Israel who are not far off of being on the exact other side of the Hoozbooloonie side of the coin. The Islamic power brokers (Syria, Iran) know this too and are very adept at playing them off against their troops (Hamas, Hoozamazzoolah) and so in this Summer of strife, they can sit comfortably in their palaces, drink tea (make a quick trip to Bahrain for some Johnny Walker Black with some nice Russian hookers), and watch the fun unfold.

Dangerous game, this.


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